EDB Contacts For NET-Related Matters
Click on pictures for aided/special and government school contacts:
All EDB Matters Relating to Your Employer: - Your school's SSDO in the REO - Regional Education Office
Contracts, EDB Candidate Pool:
  - Aided, Caput, Special Schools - Positon Vacant, Position Vacant, Jasmine Mak - NET Admin Team
  - Government Schools - Kim Kwan, Hannah Lai - Administration Division
Fringe Benefit Application:
(SA, RI, Passage, Medical, Baggage, Salary Advance)
  - Aided, Caput, Special Schools - Positon Vacant, Jasmine Mak, Position Vacant - NET Admin Team
     - Passage + Passage Postponement    - Chrystele Chu - NET Admin Team
  - Government Schools - Kim Kwan / Hannah Lai (PNET), Nomon Lo (SNET) - Administration Division
Deployment, Curriculum, Teaching: - Your AT (PNET), Your RNC (SNET) - NET Section
Gratuity, Salary, Leave:
  - Aided, Caput, Special Schools - Your school's SSDO in the REO - Regional Education Office
  - Government Schools - Freeman Wong, Kim Kwan, Hannah Lai - Administration Division
Payments Not Received:
  - Aided, Caput, Special Schools
    - Flights, Medical, Baggage - Maggie Lui (PNET), Ms Ko (SNET), Mr Kwok (Special) - Finance Division
    - RI, SA, Salary, Gratuity - Edgar Tong (PNET), Ms Lam (SNET) - Finance Division
  - Government Schools - Karen Tang - Finance Division
Professional Development:
  - Centralised PD - Katrina Hung, Fanny Cheung - NET Section
      - Induction    - Fanny Cheung - NET Section
  - Newly Joined Teachers PD Programme - Ms Lee, Jeffrey Liu - Professional Development Section
  - Newly Joined Teachers Mainland Study Tour - Ms Lo - Professional Development Section
Professional Misconduct: - Connie Kam - Teacher Professional Conduct Team
Qualification and Salary Assessment:
  - Recruited via EDB Pool - Jasmine Mak, Positon Vacant - NET Admin Team
  - Recruited by School - Your school's SSDO in the REO - Regional Education Office
  - Further Enquiries - Central Salary Verification Team - Central Salary Verification Team
Recruitment, Vacancies:
  - AT, RNC - Ivy Chan - NET Section
  - PNET, SNET - Chrystele Chu - NET Admin Team

Organisational Structure   Click here for full EDB structure
Education Bureau (Senior Directorate, Principal Assistant Secretary) Christine Choi, Jeff Sze, Edward To
Curriculum and Quality Assurance Branch   |
Curriculum Development Institute      |- Gloria Chan, Yvonne Lam
Curriculum Support Division      |- Edith Tse, Ashley Leung
Language Learning Support Section         |- William Cheng
Native-speaking English Teacher Section         |- Jenny Yeung
Professional Development & Special Education Branch   |
  Professional Development and Training Division      |- Ms LEE Wai Ping, Sammi Sham
Teacher Administration 1 Section         |- Ms Tam
Central Salary Verification Team            |- Stephanie Yu
Teacher Administration 2 Section         |- Samantha Wong
Teacher Professional Development Special Duty Team            | Connie Kam
Teacher Administration 3 Section         |- Aris Wong
NET Admin Team                                               |- Rita Tse
Teacher Professional Support Team            |- Ms Ting Ng
School Development Division
Hong Kong Regional Education Office
Central & Western District School Development Section
Southern District School Development Section
Wan Chai District School Development Section
Islands District School Development Section
Hong Kong East District School Development Section
School Leadership and Professional Development Section
Corporate Services Branch
  Administration Division
Appointment and Personnel Section
  Finance Division
Management Services Sub-Division 2
Funds Section
Salaries Grant for Monthly Paid Staff in Aided Schools Sub-section
Financial Services Sub-Division
Resource Management Section
Recurrent Subventions Section

Dr Christine Choi
(Kevin Yeung2022,Eddie Ng2017)
Secretary for Education 2810 2657 sedoffice@edb.gov.hk Policy Matters and Liaison with LegCo Education Panel
Jeff Sze
(Christine Choi2022, Kevin Yeung2017)
Under Secy for Education 2810 3802 sedoffice@edb.gov.hk Policy Matters and Liaison with LegCo Education Panel
 Senior Directorate
Edward To
(Mrs Chan Siu Suk Fan Jun2020, Mr WOO Chun Sing May2019, Catherine KK Chan)
Dep Secy for Education (4) 3509 8514 dsed4@edb.gov.hk Policy Matters and Liaison with LegCo Education Panel

 Management   (Civil Service Employees)
Ms LEE Wai Ping
(Teresa Chan Mar2021, Benjamin Yeung Sep2020)
Principal Assistant Secretary (Professional Dev't & Training) 3509 8736 paspdt@edb.gov.hk Policy Matters and Liaison with LegCo Education Panel
Sammi Sham
(Ms LEE Wai Ping Mar2021, Anissa Wong Mar2019, Godwin Lai, Mrs Hong)
Prin Ed Offr(PDT) 2892 5723 peopdt@edb.gov.hk Escalation of NET Admin Issues
Aris MS Wong
(Mr LamJun2022, Cliff Hui Dec2020, Mr Chan, Mr Lee,Andy Lok)
CPDO(TAdm)3 3698 3683
2780 8612
cpdotadm3@edb.gov.hk Escalation of NET Admin Issues
Rita Tse SPDO(TAdm)31 3698 3751 spdotadm31@edb.gov.hk NET Admin Issues
 Other Staff   (Civil Service Employees)   Click here for full list
Position Vacant From Nov2023 PDO(TAdm)31 3698 3695 pdotadm31@edb.gov.hk Contracts, Forms, Admin Issues (Responds to enquiries made to SPDO)
Jasmine Mak From Dec2020
EO(TAdm)31 3698 3750 exotadm31@edb.gov.hk
Medical, Salary Assessment, Qualifications, Admin Issues (Responds to enquiries made to SPDO)
Position Vacant From Dec2022 EO(TAdm)32 3698 3942 exotadm32@edb.gov.hk Salary Assessment, Qualifications, Admin Issues, Passage
Chrystele Chu From May2023

Karyn (Kat) Lam From May2023

3698 3926

3698 3739
Passage, Recruitment

Recruitment Assistant

Position Vacant Mid-Sep 2023 AA(TAdm)31 3698 3692 aatadm31@edb.gov.hk Passage
Previous Holders of Positions:
- SPDO(TAdm)31 [Previously Known as SPDO(TAdm)2 and Ed Offr(NET Adm)]: Lusheeta Tam Jan2020, Amy Cheng Mar2015, Mr Cheng Sep2014, William Chu Sep2008
- PDO(TAdm)31 [Previously Known as PDO(TAdm)2 and Asst Ed Offr(NET Adm)]: Nina Lam Aug2023-Nov2023, Anita Chan Feb2021-Feb2022, Mr Ho Oct 2020, Hazel Li Sep2020, Cherry Wong Mar2016, Priscilla Chan Oct2014, Royce Wong Sep2013
- EO(TAdm)31 [Previously Known as ExO(TAdm)21 and ExO(NET Adm)]: Tania Sze Sep2016-Dec2020, Anne Ho Mar2014, Bernard Tam Sep2011
- EO(TAdm)32 [Previously Known as ExO(TAdm)22]: Iris Lau Nov 2022, Yvette Lo Sep 2022, Aegean Mak Sep2020
- PC(TAdm)3: Chloe Lo Sep2021-Sep2022
- AA(TAdm)31 [Previously Known as AA(TAdm)3 and PE]: Monie Lo Dec2022-Mid-Sep2023, Ms Liu Oct2022, Winnie Chan Feb2022, Ms Lam Sep2020-Jul2021, Karen So Sep2019-Feb2020, Bernard Tam May2019, Mr Yeung May2018, Cyrus Lin, Bernard Tam, Lydia Cheung, Alex Ho, Ricky Lau, Lillian Wong, Phoebe Mok
- AA(TAdm)22: Jolene Chow Jan2020, Alison Ngai, Helen Lau, Alan Law, Sally Wong
- AA(TAdm)21 [Position no longer filled; Recruitment Assistant; Previously AA(NET Adm)]: Kristy Ko (May2018), Sandra Ho, Glory Tsui

 Senior Management   (Civil Service Employees)
Edith Tse Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Support) 2892 6503 pascs@edb.gov.hk Policy Matters and Liaison with LegCo Education Panel
Ashley Leung Prin Ed Offr(Curriculum Support and Quality Assurance) 2892 5943 peocsqa@edb.gov.hk Escalation of NET Section Issues
Jenny Yeung From Dec2023
(Iris Chan Nov2023, Joe Leung Jan2021, Rosana Chong May2012, Simon Tham Apr2010)
Ch Curriculum Dev Offr(NET) 3549 8338 ccdonet@edb.gov.hk
Escalation of NET Section Issues
Adys Wong (From Feb2024)
(William Cheng Jun2011 to Feb2023, Ralph Barnes Feb2010)
Sr Curriculum Dev Offr(NET)1
(RNC Line Manager)
3549 8339 scdonet1@edb.gov.hk
Escalation of RNC Issues
Secondary Projects, Induction
Carol Pang (From Jan 2020) Sr Curriculum Dev Offr(NET)2
(AT Line Manager)
3549 8336 scdonet2@edb.gov.hk Escalation of AT Issues
Primary Projects, NET Section Newsletter
Ada Li (From Apr2022)
PM(PNET) (AT Team Leader) 3549 8334 pmpnet@edb.gov.hk Literacy Projects, Seed Projects, Escalation of PNET/AT Issues
Brenda Choy (From Jan2020) Curric Dev Offr(NET)1 (AT Team Leader) 3549 8301 cdonet1@edb.gov.hk PNET Curriculum Development
Position Vacant (From Feb2024) Curric Dev Offr(NET)2 (RNC Team Leader) 3549 8309 cdonet2@edb.gov.hk SNET Curriculum Development
Alice Leung (From Aug2023) Curric Dev Offr(NET)3 (RNC Team Leader) 3549 8315 cdonet3@edb.gov.hk SNET Curriculum Development
Winnie Cheung Curric Dev Offr(NET)4 (AT Team Leader) 3549 8366 cdonet4@edb.gov.hk PNET Curriculum Development
Raymond Yip (From Aug2023) Curric Dev Offr(NET)5 (AT Team Leader) 3549 8359 cdonet5@edb.gov.hk PNET Curriculum Development
Ingrid To (From Nov2021) Curric Dev Offr(NET)6 (RNC Team Leader) [New position Nov2021] 3549 8313 cdonet6@edb.gov.hk SNET Curriculum Development
 Advisory Teachers (ATs)   (Employed under NET contracts)
- Click here for list PNET Support
 Regional NET Co-ordinators (RNCs)   (Employed under NET contracts)

- Click here for list.

SNET Support
Fanny Cheung (From Aug2023) LPC(CPD) 3549 8348 lpccpd@edb.gov.hk
PD Programme, Induction
Position Vacant (From Mar2023) LPDO (PNET) 3549 8323 lpdopnet@edb.gov.hk Literacy Programme Development
Maria Chau PO (PNET) 3549 8303 popnet@edb.gov.hk Part-time AT Duties
Ivy Chan (From Sep2021) PAM(NET) 3549 8332 pamnet@edb.gov.hk AT/RNC Recruitment,
NET Section School Survey
Carol Chan < May have left Sep2022 LPC(PNET)1 [Part-Time] 3549 8345 lpcpnet1@edb.gov.hk Literacy Programmes
Libby Wong EO(NET) 3549 8331 exonet@edb.gov.hk Puppetry Competition
Katrina Hung ACO(NET) 3549 8369 aconet@edb.gov.hk Centralised PD Registration and Enquiries
Previous Holders of Positions:
- PM (PNET): Jeremy Gray Apr2022
- Curric Dev Offr(NET)1: Carol Pang Oct2018, Jimmy Leung Sep2018, Alice Wong Aug2018
- Curric Dev Offr(NET)2: Adys Wong (Promoted to SCDO(NET)1 Feb2024, Bonnie Ko
- Curric Dev Offr(NET)3: Eva Chiu Sep2022, Tania Kempston
- Curric Dev Offr(NET)5: Winne So Sep2022
- LPDO (PNET): Donna Yee Apr2021-Mar2023, Jan Chiu Sep2020, Ribbon Dai Aug2018
- PAM(NET): Wandie Wong Mar2021
- LPC(PNET)1: Jennifer Pong Apr2021, Helena Wong
- EO(NET): Clementine Leung Sep 2022, Horace Tam Dec2020, Alison Ng
Positions No Longer Filled:
- Project Officer II(SNET) [Admin Issues]: Kiki Choi, Laurel Lewis
- APM(PNET)1/2/3/4 [Escalation of PNET/AT Issues]: Patricia Wong, Teresa Chu Jan2020, Lionell Horn, Christina Suen
- eLPM(NET) [Replaced by 'PM(I&P)']: Jenny Lim
- Deputy Proj Dir(PNET) [Replaced by 'PM(PNET)']: Jeremy Gray Nov2018
- LPC(PNET)2: Jenny Wai Apr2021
- PA(NET) [CPD Enquiries]: Suman Cheung Oct2019, Toby Chu, Andy Lam
- PDPC(NET) [Replaced by 'LPC(CPD)']: Fanny Cheung Sep2022
- PM(PiE): Patricia Wong Apr2021
- PM(I&P): Lionell Horn Aug2023
Positions No Longer Applicable :
[In Dec 2022 the NET Section moved from the CDI division to the Curriculum Support Division]
- Principal Assistant Secretary(Curriculum Dev't):
Gloria Chan, Sheridan Lee Sep2019, Stephen Yip
- Prin Ed Offr(CD)1: Yvonne Lam, Edith Tse Sep2022, Gloria Chan Sep2019, Joe Ng Aug2019, Sheridan Lee
Reception 3549 8300
2334 8707f
netrecruit@edb.gov.hk General Enquiries
11/F, Tsuen Wan Multi-storey Carpark Building, 174-208 Castle Peak Road,Tsuen Wan. View map
Note: The lift is located on the 1st floor and is marked in black on the map. It is most easily located by coming out of MTR Exit C, walking straight on into the Luk Yeung Galleria shopping centre, taking the first right onto an elevated walkway across a road and walking down the first steps on your right.

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Kim Kwan
(Noel Lee Oct2021, Anthony Wong, Rose Chan)
EO(AP)42 2892 6184 exoap42@edb.gov.hk Primary Contract Documents and Admin for Government Schools
Hannah Lai
(Haven Tam Sep 2023, Rachel Wong Feb2022)
EO(AP)43 2892 6119 exoap43@edb.gov.hk Primary Contract Documents and Admin for Government Schools
Nomon Lo EO(AP)32 2892 6159 exoap32@edb.gov.hk Secondary Contract Documents and Admin for Government Schools
- Can provide updates on when new contracts will be issued and all admin issues for Government Primary Schools
Freeman Wong From Jun2023
(Joey Pang May2023, Rosa Ng)
CO(Leave & Passages) 2892 6152 colp@edb.gov.hk Flight Forms for Government Schools
- Can provide updates on receipt and processing of application forms for passage reimbursement for Government Primary Schools

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Maggie Lui From Jun2023
(Ms Wong Oct2019-May2023, Mrs Yeung)
CO(RS)Primary 2892 6232 cors1@edb.gov.hk Primary Payments: Flights, Baggage, Medical
Ms Ko From Jun2023
(Matthew Wong Mar2020-May2023, Ms Wu Oct2019-Feb2020, Sam Wan)
CO(RS)Secondary 2892 6233 cors2@edb.gov.hk Secondary Payments: Flights, Baggage, Medical
Mr Kwok
(Ginny Wu Feb2021, Polly Miu Feb2020, Ms Kwan)
CO(RS)Special 2892 6234 cors3@edb.gov.hk Special School Payments: Flights, Baggage, Medical
- Can confirm status of fringe benefit payments made to Aided/Special schools (flights, medical, baggage).

 Office Details    Click here for full list
Reception Ask for the SSDO of your school 2863 4646 All EDB matters relating to your school
- The SSDO (Senior School Development Officer) is the main EDB contact for your school and should be able to advise on EDB policy as it relates to your school.

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Karen Tang
(Elsa Mak, Mr Hui)
SCO(MC) 2892 6248 scomc@edb.gov.hk Payments: Salary, Gratuity, RI, SA, baggage, flights, medical
(Government Schools)
- Can confirm status of all payments made to government schools (salary, gratuity, RI, SA, baggage, flights, medical).

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Edgar Tong From Apr2024
(Fiona Wan Mar2024, Patrick Lau)
CO(Primary) 2892 6220 copri@edb.gov.hk Payments: Salary, Gratuity, RI, SA
Cindy Yeung
(Ms Lam Jun2020, Connie So)
CO(Secondary) 2892 6221 cosec@edb.gov.hk Payments: Salary, Gratuity, RI, SA
- Can confirm status of all payments to Aided/Special schools made via the school's salary grant (salary, gratuity, RI and SA) and contact school to chase payment to NET.

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Jeffrey Liu SPDO(SLPD)8 3509 7577 spdoslpd8@edb.gov.hk PD for Newly-Joined Teachers
Ms LEE Mei Shan PDO(SLPD)1 3509 8525 pdoslpd1@edb.gov.hk PD for Newly-Joined Teachers
Ms LO Ka Yan SPDO(SLPD)15 3509 7570 spdoslpd15@edb.gov.hk Mainland Study Tours for Newly-Joined Teachers
- Can confirm PD requirements and details of Mainland Study Tours for Newly-Joined Teachers.

 Staff   (Civil Service Employees)    Click here for full list
Connie Kam
(Connie Kam left Sep 2023 returned Feb 2024, Icy Yiu Jun 2020)
SPDO(TAdm)22 2892 6293 spdotadm22@edb.gov.hk Professional Conduct Issues
- Responsible for dealing with reported cases of professional misconduct

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