Access to Information: see EDB Website
Admission: See Education System
Circular Memorandums:
  - General Search
  - Latest Primary Circulars
Code of Aid:
  - Guidelines and Forms
  - PDF Versions
  - Primary
  - Secondary
  - Special: Vol 1, Vol 2
Committees/Councils: Click Here
Contacts: see EDB Contacts
  - Guide For Teachers and Students 
  - Photocopying:
      - Guidelines
      - Shared License
Curriculum Development:
  - CDI Seed Projects
      - List of Projects
      - .doc, .ppt
  - Critical Thinking Thru Language Arts
  - Curriculum Guides:
      - An Overview
      - Basic Education
      - English Language (ELCG)
      - Key Learning Area (KLACG)
      - Ongoing Renewal
          - Overview
      - Other
      - Special Needs:
          - One Framework for All (EDB)
          - SAME Project (HKU)
  - English Language Education
  - Learning to Learn
      - The Way Forward
  - Reference Materials
  - School-based in Primary Schools
  - Task Force Review 2017-2020
DSS: See Education System
e-Services Portal:
  - Annual Update Memo: 2020
Education Commission Reports:
  - No. 5, Jun 1992, Teaching Profession
  - No. 6, Mar 1996, Language Proficiency
  - No. 7, Sep 1997, Quality School Education
Education System: Click Here
Finance, Funding, Grants: Click Here
Gifted Education:
  - see Special Needs; EDB Programmes
LegCo Panel on Education:
  - 2022-2025
       (2016-21, 2012-16, 2008-12, 2004-8, 2000-4, 1998-2000, 1997-98)
  - Agendas and Minutes (2016-21, 2012-16)
      - List of Outstanding Items
         (Nov 2023, Nov 2022, Aug 2021, Jun 2020)
  - Members (2016-21, 2012-16)
      - Contact Details
  - NET Schemes Discussion
      - From Council Meetings
      - From Finance Committee
      - Full LegCo Index
      - Qs to Finance Committee on Expenditure:
        2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015,
        2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2011, 2009, 2008
  - NET Scheme Survey (Nov 2014)
  - Papers
       (2016-21, 2012-16, 2008-12, 2004-8, 2000-4, 1998-2000, 1997-98)
      - NET Scheme Papers: None in 2022
             (2016-21, 2012-16, 2008-12, 2004-8, 2000-4)
  - Scholarship for Excellence Scheme
LPR/LPAT: see Teacher Related
Moral, Civic and National Education:
- Replaced by Values Education and NSE From 2021
  - see EDB Website
      - Old Moral and National Ed Website (2012)
  - Summary
Teaching Resources
National Security Education (NSE):
  - Basic Law and National Security Law Test
      - see EDB Information - Teacher Related
  - My Pledge to Act Funding (QEF)
  - School Curriculum: 1, 2, 3, 4
      - English Sayings of Wisdom
      - Framework (Other Docs Chinese Only)
      - Key Dates (2024)
      - Lets Learn About National Security (GE Video)
      - National Constitution Day, 4 Dec
      - National Education Day, 15 Apr
      - National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre, 13 Dec
          - EDB Video Resources
      - War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
          - 70th Anniversary Resources
          - History of War in China
  - Teacher Training Programme
     - Constitution, Basic Law and NS Law (English):
         - 2024 (2023, 2022, 2021)
         - The Importance of the Rule of Law
         - Chief Exec's Constitution Course (2021)
     - Mainland Study Tours:
          - Guidelines
          - Promoted Ts Must Join From 2023/24
          - Summary
          - Tour Details:
              - Newly-joined Teachers 2020/21 - Thematic Talks
                - Wuhan
              - Newly-Joined Teachers 2023/24:
                - Nanjing, Hangzhou: 1, 2
              - Promoted Ts (From 2023/24)
                - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing
     - National Education One-stop Portal
     - Online Enrichment Programme: (Cantonese Only)
         - Understanding  Our Country
         - NSE (Re-Run)
     - Onsite Teacher Workshop
  - Teaching
      - Guidelines: 2022, 2021
        (Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment
           Nurturing Good Citizens)
      - One-Stop Portal
      - Resources Summary (2021)
NET Schemes: Click Here
NET Section: Click Here
Ordinances: see Living in HK - Legal

Public Forms: see EDB Website

Recruitment: see EDB Website

  - Bookworks Reading Site
  - HKEDCity One-stop Portal
      - eLearn English Classic
      - ETV Resources
      - PEER - We Love HK
  - Central Resources Centre
  - Learning and Teaching esources
  - Special Education Resource Centre
Teacher Related: Click Here
  (Pension, Registration, Retirement, Salary, Supply)
School Administration: Click Here
School Information:
  - EDB Website
  - Figures & Statistics
      - Number of Students
      - Number of SEN Students
  - Number Of Schools
  - Profiles & Search:
      - Primary Schools:
          - Full List
          - Listed by Area
          - Scrollable Location Map
      - Rankings (by Book Of School)
          - Discussion
      - School Lists
      - Secondary Schools; Bands
      - Special Schools
  - School Allocation
  - Time-limited Schools:
         See Education System; Admission
  - see Code of Aid Appendix 1 Para, 27
  - Information
  - Policy of Debundling (EDB 172/2015)
  - Selection Circular (2024)
Training Calendar: see EDB Website
TSASee Education System
Values Education:
  - see EDB Website
  - Curriculum Framework (Pilot) (2021)
return to NET Scheme
back to top
CHSC (Committee on Home-School Co-operation):
  - Website
COTAP (Committee on Professional Development
             of Teachers and Principals):
  - 50 Hours of PD Each Year
  - Documents on Teacher PD
  - T-Excel@HK
      - Educational Research Award Scheme
          [$10k per school, Max 20 Schools]
      - eLearning Course Fee Reimbursement
          [$10k per school per year]
      - Masters Scholarship for Ts [$80k]
          - NETs Not Eligible (Note 2)
      - Paid Non-local Study Leave Scheme
          - NETs Not Eligible (Note 3)
      - Sabbatical Leave
          - NETs Not Eligible (Note 1)
        - T-Surf e-Learning Course 50% Reimbursement (2018-2020)
  - T-standard+ (2018+)
      - Professional Standards for Principals
      - Professional Standards for Ts
CPC (Council on Professional Conduct in Education)
  - Code for the Education Profession (1990-2022)
          - 2017 Revision Consultation
              - Summary
          - 2018 2nd Revision Consultation
              - English Consultation Session: 1, 2
                  - Submission to CPC: 1, 2
              - Summary
  - Elections
  - Misconduct Handling

  - Abolished Apr 2022 (Further Info)
SCOLAR (Standing Committee on Language
              Education and Research):
  - English Alliance
  - Main Website
  - Promoting Effective English Grant (PEEG)
      - Application Form and Notes
      - Details
      - Discussion: 1, 2
      - Seminar Feedback
  - Original Proposal see Ed'n Comm'n Report No. 6
  - Language Fund:
      - $5 Billion Injection (2014)
      - Progress: Aug 2018, Sep 2019, Jan 2021
  - PD Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Ts
      [$84,000 per T starting teaching before 2004/5]
Task Force on PD of Teachers
  - 2017 Consultation:
      - 1. Consultation Paper
      - 2. Report
      - 3. LegCo Paper on Increasing PSM/HM Salaries
      - 4. Circular on All Graduate Teaching Force
      - 5. All Graduate Teaching Force (Chinese Only)
WFSFAA (Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency)
  - Primary/Secondary Financial Assistance Schemes
  - Working Family Allowance Scheme
  - CEF (Continuing Education Fund) [$20,000 within one year]
      - Eligibility
      - Reimbursable Course List

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  - New Academic Structure Handbook
  - Structure Overview
  - Online from 2023
  - Primary (POA):
      - Central Allocation:
          - Overview
          - Cross-boundary Students (2019)
          - Revised Arrangements: 2013, 2021
      - Discretionary Places Admission Stage
      - Summary: 1, 2, 3
      - Time-limited Schools 2015-2024
          - Disscusions: 1, 2, 3
          - Latest Information (LCQ8, June 2019)
  - Secondary:
      - Allocation System (SSPA)
          - Notification Arrangements From 2020
          - Summary: 1, 2, 3
      - Pre-S1 HKAT (PS1) Pre-Secondary Attainment Test
          - Example Papers
          - Results Collected Even Years Only
              (with average of last 2 even years used)
              - 2016, 2018 Avg To Be Used in 2021+2022
          - Voluntary in 2023
DSS (Direct Subsidy Scheme):
  - Audit Commission Paper (Governance and Admin)
  - Fees List
  - The policy of DSS schools in Hong Kong
  - EF English Proficiency Index
      - HK Ranking
      - Online Test
      - Reports
      - Second Language Index
      - Test is Flawed: 1, 2
  - PISA:
      - 2012 Student Performance
          - CUHK Analysis
          - EDB Press Release
          - OECD Analysis
          - Sampling, Measurement Error
      - 2015 Student Performance
          - Country Reports
          - Results in Focus
          - Sampling and Numbers
      - 2018 Student Performance
          - Country Overviews
          - Insights and Interpretations
          - Overview
              - HK Government Analysis
      - Are Countries Cheating?
      - Rankings are Road to Ruin
Small Class Teaching:
  - Original Policy Outline (EDBC08019E).pdf
  - Outline Paper for Legco (2008).pdf
  - Annual Reports on Basic Competencies
  - Arrangements (2024/25)
      - 7/8 May + 12/13 June 2024
  - Assessment for Learning
  - HKEEA Website
  - Past Papers
  - Promotional Videos
  - Review and Adjustment:
      - 2014 Enhancement Measures for TSA
      - 2015/6 Review Part I:
          - Committee Full Report
          - Extra Classes not Allowed
          - Guidelines on Homeowork and Tests
          - Summaries: 1, 2, 3,
          - TSA Tryout Study (P3):
              - Circular
              - Press Release
              - Report and Recommendations
      - 2016/7 Review Part II:
          (BCA "Tryout Study")
          - Arrangements
          - Circular 82/2016
          - Details
          - Research Study
          - Summary
      - 2017/18 Review Part III:
          (BCA "Research Study")
          - Arrangements
          - Extending the Tryout Study
          - Past Papers
          - Summary: 1, 2
              - Apr 2018 LegCo Paper
      - 2018/19 TSA is Back
          - Arrangements
          - Summary

back to top


Annual Figures:
  - All Education Spend by Sector
  - As a % of Govt Spend
  - EDB Budget and Stats: 2024
       (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019,
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
                 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006)

      - $5billion Additional Spend in 2017
      - Further $2billion Additional Spend in 2018
        (Both Recurrent)
Anti-Epidemic Fund Grant [$15k-$25k Per School]
  - Application not required, paid March 2020
  - Latest Circular and Info
(Diploma Yi Jin Programme): [$1billion]
  - Initial Announcement (2012-2017)
  - Overview
  - Programme extended to 2017-2022
  - Website
EDF (Education Development Fund):
  - SBPS (School-based Professional Support Progs)
  - Website
Fourth Strategy on Information Technology (2014+):
  - Composite IT Grant
      - see School Administration - Grants (Recurrent)
  - EDB Memo on Wifi/Mobile Funding Proposal
      - LegCo Proposal
  - Full Strategy Document
  - One-off IT OICG Grant (e-Learning) $145-360k (2017-18)
   - One-off Mobile Computing Grant $70-170k (2015/16)
   - One-off STEM Grant $100k (2015/16)

Jockey Club Joy of E-Reading Scheme 2022/23 [$100k]
  - Application (8 July - 30 November)
  - Details (2022/23)
  - Summary
  - Website
Low Income/Disadvantaged Support:
  (SAS Fund, SBG)
  -  See Special Needs: EDB Programmes
QEF (Quality Education Fund):
  - Cyber Resources Centre
  - Computer and Internet Support [$6400 per student]
      - 2024/25 Update
  - My Pledge to Act (MPA) Funding Programme 2021/22
    [$300k per school]
  - Priority Themes 2020/21
  - Project Info By Year inc. $
  - Project List 2000-2010.pdf
  - Project Search
  - Website
PEEGS (Promoting Effective English Grant Scheme) [$350k]
  - Initial Announcement (2017-2020)
  - Rules for Hiring Outside Staff
  - SCOLAR Website
  - Summary and Discussion
      - Further Discussion
Ping Wo Fund School Project Grants [$3,500]
  - Details and Application 2024-25
Recurrent Grants:
  - see School Administration - Grants
UAP Grant [$142k-$400k]
  (Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary))
  - Details and Application 
YCH Fund (Yan Chai Hospital Moral and
  Civic Education Fund) [$5000]
  - Details and Application (2024/25)

back to top

  - 2001 SCOLAR MENETS Report (HKIEd):
      - Evaluation Report, Technical Report
  - 2002-5 School Level Meta-Analysis.pdf (EDB)
  - 2004-6 NET Scheme (Melbourne Uni)
      - Baseline Data 2004.pdf
      - Full Report.pdf
      - Key Messages.pdf
      - Summary and Staffing
  - 2009 ENET Scheme (Melbourne Uni)
      - Full Report.pdf
  - 2014 LegCo Ed Panel NET Scheme Survey
      - Results
          - Response (Section V-VII)
      - Survey: Primary, Secondary

  - 2015 NET Scheme (Azusa Pacific Uni)
      - Published July 2019:
          - Full Report.pdf
          - Executive Summary Chinese Vsn
          - Summary Analysis: 1, 2, 3
      - Submission by the HKPNETs Forum
          - Addendum
          - Discussion
          - Meeting With Study Team
      - Summary Information
             - Data Collection
                 - Case Study Questions
                 - LET/NET Survey
                 - Survey Instructions
             - Latest Updates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                 - Recommendations
      - Terms of Reference
  - 2016 ENET Scheme (Azusa Pacific Uni)
      - Published July 2019:
          - Full Report.pdf
          - Executive Summary Chinese Vsn
      - Terms of Reference
  - EDB Website Library
  - Listed By Content
Funding and Structure
Liaison: NET Schemes Discussion
Roles & Responsibilities
Special Schools

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Advisory Teaching Team (ATT):
  - 2009 Self Evaluation.pdf
  - Can't Give References
  - Partners in Progress (Case Studies)
  - Number of Schools per AT
      - Ability to Retain/Reassign Schools
  - Recruitment:
      - AT Pool
      - Terms, Requirements, and Duties   RNC Version
          - Non-Civil Service Contract Staff
          - Overview: 1, 2, 3, 4
  - Retire at 60; Can Extend to 65
  - Role of ATs:
      - Advisory Support Plan (ASP)
          - 2019 Update:
              - Linked to Deployment Guidelines
              - New Review Process
                  - Letter to Schools May 2019
              - Pressure to Complete it Sooner
              - Who Fills it Out?
      - How to Raise Issues
          - Line Manager is Listed at Top of ASP
          - How to Find AT's Project Manager
      - How to Formally Ask for only Basic Support
      - Learning Hub Support Model (From 2022/23):
          - All Schools in Hub From 2024/25
             - Unless Implementing Literacy Project
          - Horizontal Sharing Model
          - Meeting/Workshop Schedule
              - Schools May Refuse to Share
              - Some May Be For Specific Products
          - Schools Can Opt Out of AT Support
          - School Support Team
      - School Autonomy:
          - NET Funding Withdrawn Myth
          - Schools Ignore NET Section Mgmt
      - Summary
  - Seconded LETs
      - No Secondment from 2017:
          - None in 2017
          - Staff Interflow Scheme 2023
      - Secondary Seed Secondment Restarted 2019
      - Summary
Areas of Work:
  - Centralised Professional Development
  - Initiatives: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
      - e-Platform:
          - Objective and Cost
          - Summary
  - NET Admin Team vs NET Section
  - Summary of Major Areas
  - Teaching Resources:
      - Primary:
          - Literacy Programmes
              - DTS (2016), Discussion: 1, 2
              - IELP (CECES, 2000) No Longer Available
              - PLPR (2004)
              - PLPR-W (2007)
          - One-stop Portal Resource Packages
          - Resource Packages
      - Secondary:
          - NETworking and Shorts
  - Videos:
      - ETV Programmes
      - Success Stories of the NET Scheme
      - Teaching English in HK
      - Ten Years of the NET Scheme
Costs and Expenditure
  - NET Section School Survey (Jan):
    (EDB/Baptist Uni)
      - 2021/22 (2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16)
                                (2014/15, 2013/14, 2012/13)

      - Annual results not normally published
          - Partial results published for 2016/17
      - Two Reminders Sent If Not Submitted on Time
  - PLPRW 2013 Self-Evaluation
  - Reports on ATT Collaboration and Support
  - Summary
Job Definitions:
  - Advisory Teacher
  - Curriculum Officer (RNC Team Leader)
  - e-Learning Project Manager
  - Literacy Programme Consultant
  - Literacy Programme Development Officer
  - Project Administrative Assistant
  - Project Administrative Manager
  - Project Manager
  - Project Manager Literacy and Puppetry in English
      - Project Manager (Puppetry in English) [Unfilled]
      - Previous Full-time Position
  - Project Officer
  - Project Officer II (SNET)
  - Regional Net Coordinator
  - Senior Curriculum Officer
Two NETs Per School:
  - Initial Pilot Investigation
  - Statement to LegCo
  - Updates: Nov 2016, May 2017
Regional NET Coordinating Team (RNCT):
  - Support Options
  - Structure and Services
Website: EDB, HKEdCity

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  - Annual Audited Accounts (2021)
  - Inventory Management
  - Guidelines
  - Number of Days
      - Election Holiday = 91 School Holidays
          - Cancelled for 2020
  - Population Census 2021
  - Weekend Days Included/ Not Included: 1, 2, 3
Checklist on Common Issues
Class Sizes for POA Funding:
  - 23 from 2019/20
  - 23 for P1-P5 from 2024/25 
  - Number of Ss does not affect P6 2023-26 
  - Enrollment P1 Cap 25 or 30
      - Max 27 or 33 From 2024/25 
  - POA Funding Stops 3 Years After No P1 classes
    (i.e. schools must close after 3 years)
      - School Mergers and Special Review 
Crisis Management:
  - Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Domestic Violence:
      - Handling Suspected Cases 
      - Procedural Guide
      - Summary
  - Handling Emergency Situations
  - Overview
  - Suicides:
      - Detection and Support
      - Prevention of Suicides Report 2016
          - Commitee Members (Annex 2)
          - Discussion
          - Follow-up Progress
  - Vigilance against Hand, Foot and Mouth
Extra-curricular Activities (ECA):
  - Guidelines
Energy Saving Measures
Equal Opportunities (EMBC03033E).pdf
  - External School Review (ESR):
      - Info and FAQ
      - Latest Review Report Conclusions
  - Self-Evaluation:
      - Discussion
      - Key Performance Measures
          - An Explanation
Grants (Recurrent i.e. Annual):
  - see Code of Aid Section II
  - Capital Subvention for Major Repairs $3,000+
  - Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant (CFEG)
      - see also Code of Aid Para. 37
      - Current CFEG Rates
  - ERS (Extensive Reading Scheme) Grant
      - Cancelled in 2016
  - English Panel Annual Budget Summary
  - Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG)
    (Schools with IMC)
      - see Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG)
              for Schools with SMC
      - see also Code of Aid Para. 36
      - Air-conditioning Grant
      - Capacity Enhancement Grant (CEG)
      - Composite Information Technology Grant (CITG)
          - Summary
      - Current EOEBG/OEBG Rates
      - Educational Psychology (SBEPS) Grant
      - Latest Circular (2023) (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018)
      - SBM Top-up Grant
  - Home School Co-operation Grants
  - Non-Recurrent and Capital Grants
      - see Code of Aid Para. 39
      - see Finance, Funding, Grants
  - Learning Support Grant (LSG)
      - see Special Needs: EDB Programmes
  - Life-wide Learning Grant $160k+$26k per class
      - Summary
  - Promotion of Reading Grant (PRG) $22k-$44k
      - Summary
  - Salaries Grant:
      - see Code of Aid Para. 19
      - Staff Establishment:
          - Non-Teaching:
              - One Executive Officer Per School Policy
              - Standard wage for General/IT workers
          - Teaching:
              - Job Definitions: APSM 1, 2; Govt School TA
              - Number of Teacher Positions at each Rank
              - History
              - NETs Are Part of Staff Establishment
              - Ratio of Graduate Posts
                  - All-graduate Teaching Force (2019+):
                      - Circular
                      - Consultation Task Force (2017)
                      - Summary, Discussion
              - Rank Pay Grades and Hierarchy
              - Standard wage for TAs
  - Sister School (Mainland) Grant $160k
      - Cultural Exchange Programme Discussion
  - Student Grant $2,500 (Via iAMSmart+)
      - Summary
  - Teacher Relief Grant (TRG)
  - Tips on Handling Govt Subventions
  - Constitution (SMC Version)
  - Establishment and Operation.pdf
  - Register of IMC Members
  - Summary
Insurance and Safety:
  - see Code of Aid Para. 42
  - Block Insurance for Public Liability, Employees' Compensation
      and Group Personal Accident:
      - Explanatory Notes
      - IMC Liability Insurance (IMCLIP) Circular (2021) 
      - Latest EDB Circular (2021)
      - Summary of Coverage
          (inc. Teaching Alone, registration)
          - Possible School Liability If No Cantonese
  - Cooking:
      - see Code of Aid Appendix 1 Para. 8
  - Employee Compensation
National Flag:
  - EDB Website
  - Etiquette
  - Guidelines for National Flag and Anthem 
  - Priority of National Flag
  - Schools Must Have Weekly Flag Raising
      - Audio Picture Book 
      - Demonstration Video 
Personnel Matters:
  - Appointment:
      - Acting Appointments: see Code of Aid Para. 61
      - LET Letter of Appointment
      - Strengthening the Protection of Ss (2021)
  - Complaints:
      - Guidelines for Handling Complaints
      - Complaint Handling Mechanism 
  - Contracts: Permanent vs Annual: 1, 2
  - Disciplinary Action (SAG)
      - see Code of Aid Appendix 8
      - Discussion
      - Summary of Guidelines
  - Discrimination Policy Summary
  - ELTA:
      - Example Letter of Appointment
      - Must be Agency in Govt Schools
  - Guidelines for Granting Leave
  - Optimising Manpower Resources
  - Personal Data
      - Code of Practice
      - Compliance Guide
  - Probation:   see Code of Aid Appendix 7
  - Professional Development:
      - 50 Hours of PD Each Year
      - PD Programme Courses
      - Sabbatical Leave Scheme for PD Last year
        (Not NET Scheme Ts)
      - Self-paced e-Learning Reimbursement
  - Redundant Teacher Arrangements (2024)
      - Relief Measures From 2019.pdf
  - Sexual Harrassment
  - Staff Injured on Duty
  - Teacher Performance Management
  - Accepting Donations:
      - Latest Circular (2022) 
      - Summary
  - Procedures:
    - Guidelines for $5k, $50k, $200k
    - Latest Procurement Procedures Document
    - Quotations: 1, 2
Registration As a School
Religious Observation Rules:
  - see Code of Aid Appendix 1 Para. 19,20
School-based Management:
  - Overview and History
  - Governance
School Administration Guide (SAG)
  - Disciplinary Action
Sister School Scheme
  - Grant: see School Administration - Grants
Student Matters:
  - Exam Weighting
  - National Security Law
  - Sick Leave Certificate Not Needed: 1, 2
  - Transport Guidelines
  - Weight of School Bags
  - Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
      - see Special Needs - Guides
  - Lesson Time Allocation (%) 
  - Summary and Hacked Update (2020)

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Basic Law and National Security Test:
(From 2023/24)
  - Application and Details
  - Applies to New Ts and Changing Schools
      - Replaces Basic Law Test (From 2022/23)
  - Study/Revision:
      - Basic Law English Translation: 1, 2
      - Hints and Tips: 1
          - Info and FAQ (Civil Service Version)
      - Revision Apps: 1, 2, 3,
      - Sample Questions (Civil Service Version)
Extension Beyond 60:
  - see NET Scheme Info - Contract Related
  - Extension of Service (2024).pdf
       (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)
Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR):
  - Certificate of Merit
  - Details:
      - EDB Website
      - Annual Circular (2024)   (2023)
      - Original Proposal see Ed'n Comm'n Report No. 6
  - Exemption:
      - Details
      - Local Qualifications for Exemption (Para iii)
      - NET Scheme:
     - From 2024: Circular 74/2024 Paras 2
         - Previously:
             - Circular 116/2023 Paras 2,6
             - Circular 106/2009 Paras 2,7 (SCOLAR Policy)
  - LPAT Test (Language Proficiency Assesm't for Ts):
      - Withdrawn from 2024/25: 1, 2
      - Replaced by IELTS 7.5+
          - EPC Post Requires IELTS 8+ or LPAT Level 4
        - Previous Info:
           - Admin Arrangements (2024)

           - Classroom Language Assessment
           - Details
Deployment Requirements (EDBCM14099E).pdf
                 (Non-NET Scheme NETs must do it is section 6)
           - Experiences of Taking Test
           - Marking and prep
           - NET Scheme Exemption: see above
           - Results: 2024, 2023, 2022
  - Certification for Principalship (EDB 1/2024)
      - Renewing Certification (EDB 3/2024)
      - Restarting Certification (EDB 2/2024)
  - Induction Programme
      - CPD to Support School Devt
  - PD Programme Courses
  - Salary Band Realignment (2022)
Qualifications Assessment:
  - see NET Scheme Information
  - Aided, Special and Caput Schools:
      - Age is:
          - Latest EDB Policy Document (Dec 2018)
      - Policy Review (2016-2019)
          - EDB to Adopt 65 Retirement Age (2016)
              - Not Yet Implemented (Feb 2018): 1, 2
              - New Ts only (Jun 2018)
              - Consultation Announced (Jun 2018)
                 - Consultation Paper
                 - Details
              - New Ts Only Confirmed (Jan 2019)
                (But not implemented until legislation updated)
  - Civil Service Guidelines (Govt School Ts)
      - LegCo Authorisation Not Needed
      - Retirement at 65 to be Choice After 2000
          - Legal Background to Policy Change
          - Starting Sep 2018
          - One-time only choice

  - Civil Service Benefits:
      - Conditions of Service Memo
      - Education Allowances: 1, 2
      - Entry System
      - Fringe Benefits
          - Prevention of Double Benefits.pdf
      - Non-Civil Service Contract Staff Scheme
      - Pay Policy
  - Civil Service Pay Adjustment:
      - Mechanism Explanation
      - Year-on-year Data
  - Guide to Salary Assessment
  - Pay Scales:
      - Civil Service (For Ref.): Directorate, Other
      - Grade Management
      - Kindergarten:
          - Latest Salary Ranges (2022/23)
          - Restructured in 2016
      - MPS
      - Primary/Secondary Pay Disparity
Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (Pension):
  - see Code of Aid Para. 63
  - Background
  - Details and Reports
  - FAQ
  - Ordinance Rules
  - School Becomes DSS
  - Summary
Supply Teaching:
  - see Code of Aid Para. 31,32
  - Application to Join List
  - Daily Rates (2024).pdf
  - Guidelines
      - Teacher Relief Grant (IMCs)
          - Discussions: 1, 2, 3
  - Normal salary if > 30 Days
  - Registration
Teacher Registration:
  - Cancelled For Professional Misconduct
  - Re-joining After 1 Year or More Off
  - Explanation
      - Myth of Permitted Not Teaching Alone: 1, 2, 3
  - Permitted Teacher Application Form
  - Registered Teacher Application Form
  - Supply Teacher Registration

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Reverse Date Order Topic Initiated By/Resulting From
03 May 2024
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion (Cummulative Index of Items)
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 05 May 2023
05 May 2023
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion (Cummulative Index of Items)
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 13 May 2022
04 Apr 2023
Summary: 1, 2
Letter to EDB from the HKPNETs Forum About
   NET Scheme Passage Reimbursement: Documented Rules
 - Response from Secretary for Education; FAQ Annex
Views Expressed by members of the HKPNETs Forum
on written rules for passage reimbursement.
13 May 2022
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 21 May 2021
20 Apr 2022
Summary: 1, 2, 3, 4
High Court Judgment - Government School Recruitment
 - Includes judgment on blacklisting of 2 NETs and restricting 
   government school to CVs supplied by the EDB only
 - $46k costs + $817k Damages (Summary) Awarded
Hearing of 27 Jan 2022. Ref: HKCFI 1402
21 May 2021
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
Previous Meeting on 8 May 2020
08 May 2020
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 10 May 2019
10 May 2019
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 20 Apr 2018
20 Apr 2018
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 7 Apr 2017
7 Apr 2017
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 13 Jul 2016
30 Sep 2016
Summary: 1, 2, 3, 4
High Court Judgment - NET Schemes in ID Special Schools
 - Follow-up Confirmation of NET Schemes in ID Schools
   (With Curriculum Stipulations)
2011 Submission to the court by Law Chi Yuen
and granting of leave for judicial review
on 4 Jan 2012. Ref: HCAL91/2011
13 Jul 2016
Summary: 1
Letter to Secretary for Education from the HKPNETs Forum
   About PNET Representation and Collaboration
   inc. Follow-up
 - Response from Secretary for Education
Views Expressed by members of the HKPNETs Forum
on PNET Representation and Collaboration.
8 Jul 2016
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 20 Nov 2015
14 Dec 2015
Minutes, Webcast
Summary: 1
LegCo Chinese and English Proficiency of Students
 - More than 1 NET per school, NET/EDB Communication
15 Oct 2015 by Michael Tien
- Item 17
20 Nov 2015
Minutes inc. Follow-up
Summary: 1, 2, 3
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum and 
  Representatives of the EDB
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
Previous Meeting on 10 Jul 2015
23 Sep 2015 LegCo Essentials: English Language Teaching and Learning
  (Information Services Division Paper)
Language Use, Proficiency and Attitudes in HK
 (Social Sciences Research Centre, HKU, Aug 2015)
10 Jul 2015
Summary: Regina Ip,
HKPNETs Forum: 1, 2
Meeting Between the HKPNETs Forum, Representatives
  of the EDB and Regina Ip
 - List of Items for Discussion
 - List of Follow-up Actions (All Completed)
16 Jun 2015 by Regina Ip
- Follow-up to previous meeting
29 Jun 2015 HK Yearbook NET Scheme Summary
 - Positive changes in classroom practice
 - Ss have a more positive attitude towards the learning of English
Annual publication
20 Jan 2015
Summary: Regina Ip,
Meeting Between Regina Ip, Michael Tien and
  representatives of the HKPNETs Forum
 - Paper Prepared for Meeting inc. Follow-up
18 Dec 2014 by Regina Ip + Michael Tien
- Emailed invitation to the HKPNETs Forum
 10 Nov 2014
Webcast (Skip to 15:00)
Transcribed Minutes
LegCo Latest Developments in NET Scheme
 - Background Brief on Issues Related to the Scheme
 - Questions about cost, NET salary, effectiveness,
    2 NETs per school, collaboration
- Follow-up summary of NET Scheme Questionnaire (19 Nov)
- Response From the HKPNETs Forum (8 Dec); Reference List

  - Addendum (12 Dec) 
- EDB Follow Up To Meeting - NET Nationality (8 Jan)
8 Nov 2013 by Ip Kin-yuen
- Item 17 Discuss NET Scheme
09 Jul 2013
Minutes, Webcast
LegCo NET Scheme Latest Developments and Evaluation
 - Deployment, High Turnover, Report on Current Cost
20 Feb 2012 by Regina Ip
- Item 10 Discuss NET Scheme
Aug 2009 LegCo Information Paper Published (No Panel Discussion)
- No change to remuneration package
- Nesta had agreed to all SA reviews conducted by EDB
Jul 2008 by Nesta B&W
- Item 3 remuneration package review and stricter
  qualifications requirement resulting from this letter
16 Apr 2007
LegCo Review of NET Scheme
- Retention, Deployment, Evaluation; One-NET-Per-School
- Background Brief on the Scheme
- Nesta submission: Accredited teaching qualification for all
  recruits; SA, Medical, Baggage increase; Education Allowance
- Submissions in support of scheme and 5-year contracts, 2 NETs
  per school, Induction for new NETS, cash allowance instead of NET:
    - Ass'n of Head Teachers and HK Council of CCC,
      Grant Schools Council, Tuen Mun Primary Heads Ass'n,
      Ass'n of Secondary Heads in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi
22 Mar 2007
(a letter from Craig Boswell and Lee Weston about SA
triggered a full review of the NET Scheme policy
24 Oct 2005
LegCo Recruitment + Retention
- Introduce RI, Deployment
- Background Brief on the Scheme
- Submission from Nesta
- Finance Committee Approved
11 Jul 2005
11 Jul 2005
LegCo Cost-effectiveness + Retention
- Background Brief on the Scheme
3 Jun 2005
- Nesta SA&G Submission: 1, 2, 3
10 Jan 2005
LegCo Progress Review 17 Nov 2003
17 Nov 2003
LegCo SA Adjustment Mechanism 17 Oct 2003
16 Dec 2002
LegCo Recruitment 21 Jan 2002
21 Jan 2002
LegCo PNET Proposal - Finance Committee Discussion (Page 7)
LegCo SNET Review - EDB Liaison Officer (Page 5), MENETS Study
19 Nov 2001
Minutes (Page 8)
LegCo Response to Policy Address
- Timetable for introducing new PNET Scheme
10 Oct 2001 (Item 48)
- Chief Executive Policy Address
17 Oct 1997
LegCo SNET Scheme Proposal
- Recruitment, Remuneration Package, Curriculum Enhancement
Approved by Finance Committee
9 Oct 1997
LegCo Response to Policy Address
- Recruitment criteria for SNET Scheme
8 Oct 1997 (Item 86)
- Chief Executive Policy Address
Mar 1996 Education Commission Report No. 6, Item 10
- Recommended establishment of NET Scheme
Dec 1995 Draft Education Commission Report No.6 Issued
"Enhancing Language Proficiency: A Comprehensive
- Recommended employment of qualified native English speakers (Item 9)
July 1994 Working Group published report for a 3-month public consultation  
Oct 1993 Education Commission set up a Working Group
"to study the problem relating to language proficiency"
Oct 1984 Education Commission Report No. 1, Item 3.13
- Recommended "secondary schools should be encouraged to employ locally
available native English speakers with teaching qualifications to teach English"

return to NET Scheme
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Date Question Reply
27 Mar 2024 Member Motion on
"Further consolidating HK's advantages as an international city"

Supporting Comment by Adrian Pedro Ho
- "I hope that the SAR Government will accept the proposal of the New People’s Party
   to introduce measures to retain existing overseas teachers and actively bring in more
   overseas teachers, so as to ensure that there are sufficient native-speaking English teachers"

- No Reply
17 Jan 2024 Member Motion on
"Actively building HK into an international education hub"

Supporting Comment by Adrian Pedro Ho
- "the New People’s Party proposed earlier that the SAR Government should introduce
    measures to retain existing teachers and attract overseas ones to come to Hong Kong,
    with a view to ensuring a sufficient manpower of native-speaking English teachers in the city"

- No Reply
06 Apr 2022 LCQ16: Demand and supply situation of NETs
by Michael Tien
- Retention/Attrition Rates of past 5 years
- Demand/Supply Imbalance of NETs
- Quarantine for NETs
- New Evaluation of NET Schemes
Press Release
17 May 2017 LCQ11: Review of NET Scheme
by Michael Tien
- 2 NETs Per School Study, Attrition, Review Remuneration Package
- Summary Analysis of EDB response
Press Release
25 Nov 2015 LCQ4: English proficiency of Hong Kong people
by Starry Lee
- Evaluation, More than 1 NET
Press Release
10 Dec 2014 LCQ4: Implementation of the NET Scheme in Primary Schools
by Michael Tien
- Effectiveness, More than 1 NET, Teaching P1 Only, Numbers Leaving Mid-contract
- Further Information on LCQ4
Press Release
12 Dec 2012 LCQ8: Strengthening Teaching of English at School
by Martin Liao
- Evaluation of NET Scheme, Number of NETs
Press Release
08 Feb 2012 LCQ14: Shortage of International School Places for NCS
by Abraham Shek
- Schooling needs of NET children, Impact on recruitment
LCQ15: Curriculum For Special Schools
by Tanya Chan
- Intellectual disability schools not in NET Scheme,
  Number of special schools with NETs, Special school NETs training
Press Release

Press Release
07 Dec 2011 LCQ10: Education Support for Children of NETs
by Tanya Chan
- Number of NETs with children, Difficulties in Finding Schools,
  Support for NETs, Impact on Recruitment
Press Release
06 Jul 2011 LCQ19: NET Schemes s in Primary and Secondary Schools
by Audrey Eu
- Number of NETs & Vacancies, Wastage, Qualifications,
  Numbers employed under each category of employment
Press Release
01 Nov 2006 LCQ17: English language education in primary schools
by Emily Lau
- Difference in Pay Between Primary and Secondary,
  Recruiting More Primary Teachers
Press Release
10 Dec 2003 LCQ15: NETs for primary and secondary schools
by Abraham Shek
- NET Shortcomings, Cost of 150 new PNETs, Review of Scheme,
  Divert Resources to LET training Instead
Press Release
09 Oct 2002 LCQ12: Provision of NETs and ELTAs
by Ho Chung-tai
- Difference in job duties, Number Employed, More Resources
Press Release
return to NET Scheme
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Year Question Reply
2023-24 Q1064 By Adrian Ho
- Expenditure 2021-2025
- Retention and Attrition Rates 2021-2023
- Is remuneration package sufficient for retention
2022-23 No Qs Asked Relating to NET Scheme     -
2021-22 No Qs Asked Relating to NET Scheme     -
2020-21 Q5844 By Fernando Cheung
- No. NETs in Special Schools=29
- No. PNETs=468, SNETs=396
Q5826 By Fernando Cheung
- NET Section Costs ($400k 2019/20)
Q0351 By Michael Tien
- No. NETs + Average Salary
Q3385 By Ip Kin-yuen
- NET Schemes Cost
2019-20 Q7149 By Fernando Cheung
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (2015 NET Evaluation Study not mentioned even though not published yet.
   ENET Scheme Evaluation Study to be published in 2018/19)
Q6946 By Fernando Cheung
- No. NETs in Special Schools=27
Q3027 By Fernando Cheung
- NET Section Costs ($300k 2018/19)
Q0593 By Michael Tien
- No. NETs + Average Salary
Q4874 By Ip Kin-yuen
- NET Schemes Cost
2018-19 Q4798 By Fernando Cheung
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (2015 NET Evaluation Study to be published with
   ENET Scheme Evaluation Study in 2018/19)
Q4791 By Fernando Cheung
- No. NETs in Special Schools=23
Q4817 By Fernando Cheung
- NET Section Costs ($685k 2017/18)
Q5861 By Ip Kin-yuen
- NET Schemes Cost
2017-18 Q5570 By Fernando Cheung
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (2015 NET Evaluation Study to be published 2016/17
   ENET Scheme Evaluation Study In Progress)
Pri, Sec
Q5482 By Fernando Cheung
- NET Section Costs and Major Project Areas
  (ePlatform $150k, BU Survey $98k annually)
Q5626 By Fernando Cheung
- No. NETs in Special Schools=19
Q3663 By Ip Kin-yuen
- NET Schemes Cost
Q2809 By Chan Chi-chuen
- Reading Town Apps Cost $1.3m
2016-17 Q2137 By Cyd Ho
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (2015 NET/2016 ENET Scheme Evaluation Studies)
Pri, Sec
Q2805 By Regina Ip
- NET Scheme Cost, Objective
Q2099 By Claudi MO
- NET Schemes cost, cost breakdown
Q2839 By Christopher Cheung
- Number of PNETs, More NET Scheme Resources
2015-16 Q2404 By Claudi MO
- NET Schemes cost, cost breakdown
- Public Opinion Survey, purpose
Q1483 By Michael Tien
- Number of PNETs and cost 2012-2015
Q4568 By Ip Kin-yuen
- NET Schemes cost 2010-16
Q4185 By Abrahan Shek
- Collaboration, Attrition Rates
  (Deployment Guide Purpose)
2014-15 Q2017 By Regina Ip
- Cost and recruitment
Q2571 By Abraham Shek
- Number of NETs 2009-14
- Effectiveness
2013-14 Q1469 By Regina Ip
- Cost and numbers
Q1587 By Abraham Shek
- Numbers, attrition rate, reason for leaving
Q1769 By Claudia Mo
- Deployment, co-teaching, collaboration
- Evaluation Findings
Q1806 By Michael Tien
- NET Scheme numbers, deployment, hours
Q3479 By Tommy Sheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers
2012-13 Q2105 By Cyd Ho
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (ENET Scheme 2009 Evaluation Study)
Q0207 By Tommy Cheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers 2009-2011
2011-12 Q1249 By Tommy Cheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers 2008-2010
2010-11 Q0462 By Cyd Ho
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q0079 By David Li
- Numbers, recruitment cost
Q1232 By Regina Ip
- ENET Scheme numbers, cost
Q0201 By Tommy Cheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers 2007-2009
2009-10 Q1283 By Audrey Eu
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q1643 By Tommy Cheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers 2007-2008
2008-09 Q0103 By Audrey Eu
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q1265 By Tommy Cheung
- Cost, numbers, non-renewal numbers 2005-2008
2007-08 Q0904 By Audrey Eu
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q2148 By Sum Yeung
- Cost, numbers, wastage 2006-2006
2006-07 Q2209 By Audrey Eu
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q0203 By Emily Lau
- Cost, number of ATs
2005-06 Q0023 By Audrey Eu
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q0529 By Fredrick Fung
- No. NETs in GPS, number of ATs
2004-05 Q0082 By Cyd Ho
- Consultancy Project Costs and Objectives
  (NET Scheme 2006 Evaluation Study)
Q0126 By Emily Lau
- Cost, number of SNETs terminating early
Q1388 By Yiu-chung Yeung
- No. NETs in GPS, number of ATs
Note: Some questions that have been superceded by a later response have been omitted
e.g. Evaluation Study costs reported multiple times over multiple years.

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2024 (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016)
2023 (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017,2016)
Aided 420 (422, 422, 422, 421, 421, 422,421,421)
(CHP has 5 Duplicate POA Entries Each Year)
76% 355 (355, 356, 356, 356, 356, 357, 357) 74%
Government 33  (34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,34,34) 6%  30 (30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30) 6%
DSS 21  (21, 21, 21, 21, 21,21,21,21) 4%  58 (58, 58, 58, 58, 59, 60, 60) 12%
Private 32  (33, 34, 34, 32, 32,32,32,36) 6%  - -
Caput - -  2 (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) .004%
International 46  (46, 46, 46, 46, 46,46,44,43) 8% 34  (34, 34, 34, 34, 34,33,31) 7%
552 (557, 557, 557, 554, 554, 555,552,555) 479 (480, 480, 480,481, 482, 480)

* Note: 5 Aided/Govt primary schools have <6 classes and are not eligible to employ a PNET.

Special An additional 58 special schools cater for mixed primary and secondary students, of which
18 are eligible to employ a PNET under the staff establishment/salaries grant
Sources: CHSC Primary, EDB Primary, CHSC Secondary, EDB Secondary,
CHSC Special, HK Annual Digest of Statistics

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Number of Teacher Positions at Each Rank (Mandated by EDB i.e. Funded by Salaries Grant)
Core Ranks Additional Teachers
No. of
1 1 SPSM - 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 - 0 2 4
2 1 SPSM - 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 - 0 2 6
3 1 SPSM - 2 2 5 0 1 1 1 - 0 3 8
4 1 SPSM - 2 4 7 0 1 1 1 - 0 3 10
5 1 SPSM - 3 4 8 0 1 1 1 - 0 3 11
6 1 SPSM - 3 7 11 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 16.5
7 1 SPSM - 4 8 13 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 18.5
8 1 SPSM - 4 9 14 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 19.5
9 1 SPSM - 5 10 16 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 21.5
10 1 SPSM - 5 11 17 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 22.5
11 1 SPSM - 6 12 19 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 24.5
12 1 HMII 1 5 14 21 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 26.5
13 1 HMII 1 6 14 22 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 27.5
14 1 HMII 1 6 16 24 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 29.5
15 1 HMII 1 7 16 25 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 30.5
16 1 HMII 1 7 18 27 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 32.5
17 1 HMII 1 8 19 29 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 34.5
18 1 HMII 2 7 20 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 36
19 1 HMII 2 8 21 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 38
20 1 HMII 2 8 22 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 39
21 1 HMII 2 9 23 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 41
22 1 HMII 2 9 25 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 43
23 1 HMII 2 10 25 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 44
24 1 HMI 3 9 27 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 46
25 1 HMI 3 10 27 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 47
26 1 HMI 3 10 29 43 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 49
27 1 HMI 3 11 30 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 51
28 1 HMI 3 11 31 46 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 52
29 1 HMI 3 12 32 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 54
30 1 HMI 3 12 33 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 55
31 1 HMI 3 13 34 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 57
32 1 HMI 3 13 36 53 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 59
33 1 HMI 3 14 36 54 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 60
34 1 HMI 3 14 38 56 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 62
35 1 HMI 3 15 38 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 63
36 1 HMI 3 15 40 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 65

Note: The respective number of SPSM/PSM/AM and APSM/CM rank positions available is determined by
         the school's grade structure plan but is restricted by an EDB mandate that only 65% of positions
         excluding Principal and Deputy Principal can be graduate positions (APSM/PSM). This does not
         not stop graduates being employed in the non-graduate AM/CM ranks.

Sources: Code of Aid Appendix 2 and Appendix 3; Graduate Teacher Posts in Aided Primary Schools;
              Civil Service Recruitment Ranks in Education Bureau

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Civil Service Pay Adjustment Mechanism

NETs are not civil servants but are paid, as for all aided and government school teachers, according to the Civil Service Master Pay Scale, which is subject to annual review via the Civil Service Pay Adjustment Mechanism as follows. Year-on-year data including this year's figures are available below.

The Pay Survey and Research Unit conducts a Pay Trend Survey over the 12 month period 2 Apr-1 Apr using a methodology that collects data for "basic salaries and additional payments relating to cost of living, general prosperity and company performance, general changes in market rates, in scale increment and merit during the survey period" across 113 companies (134,376 employees). It uses Survey data to compile provisional 'Gross Pay Trend Indicators'.

In mid-May, the provisional Gross Pay Trend Indicators are presented to the Pay Trend Survey Committee for ratification and published on their website. The Civil Service Bureau publishes the 'Tentative Results' and the 'Payroll Cost of Increments' (PCI) defined as "The payroll cost of civil service increments incurred in [the previous year] expressed as a percentage of the total civil service payroll cost of the respective salary band". From 2019-20, a cap is placed on the PCI such that the lower of the annual PCI or the average 1989-90 to 2019-20 PCI is applicable.

A week later, the provisional Gross Pay Trend Indicators are ratified by Pay Trend Survey Committee and published on their website.

In the first week of June, the Civil Service Bureau takes the ratified Gross Pay Trend Indicators and subtracts the Payroll Cost of Increments (PCI) to calculate the 'Net Pay Trend Indicators'. The Chief Executive uses the Net Pay Trend Indicators alongside "five other factors" to determine the suggested pay adjustment to be awarded: "the state of Hong Kong's economy, the Government's fiscal position, changes in the cost of living, the staff sides' pay claims and civil service morale". The government publishes the suggested pay award "Offer" via press release and commences consultation with "the four central consultative councils" and "the four major service-wide staff unions/associations".

- This approach was adopted in 1989 as recommended by the Committee of Inquiry into the 1988 Civil Service Pay Adjustment and Related Matters and until 2019 used an annually calculated PCI.  In 2019, after ten years of increasing PCI, the government decided to instead use the lesser of either the annually calculated PCI or the average PCI since 1989.

In the second week of June (Tuesday), after receiving responses from "staff sides", the government Executive Council meets to finalise details of the pay adjustment offer. The Civil Service Bureau issues a press release announcing the pay award "Decision" having considered: the Pay Trend Indicators, the state of Hong Kong's economy, changes in the cost of living, the Government's fiscal position, the pay claims of the staff sides and civil service morale. The final terms of the offer of pay adjustment is then submitted to the LegCo Panel on Public Service for discussion.
The Council's schedule of meetings does not appear to be made public, so the date of the meeting is only known once the press release has been issued. The date of the Panel on Public Service meeting is, however, usually known in the first week of June when a pay adjustment item is added to the relevant meeting agenda.

In the third week of June, the Panel on Public Service discusses the pay adjustment offer and, so long as the Panel Chairman concludes the offer has the support of the Panel, it is passed to the LegCo Finance Committee for final legislative approval where it is added to its typically long list of outstanding items to discuss.

Late June/Early July
Depending on the number of outstanding agenda items, the submitted adjustment is discussed and voted upon by the LegCo Finance Committee before its summer recess with additional meetings being scheduled, if needed, to address all agenda items. The authorised adjustment is then announced via Circular Memorandum to all schools together with the anticipated month of payment e.g. 2016-17 Pay Adjustment 102/2016. The month of payment is typically July even if the normal monthly salary grant cut-off date of 10 July has been missed. The adjustment is automatically included in Salaries Grant payments to schools as are a salary payment backdated to 1 April and any related backdated gratuity payments.

Should the LegCo Finance Committee be unable to discuss and vote upon the pay adjustment before its summer recess (such as in 2017 and 2019) it is held over until the first meetings of the following LegCo session commencing in late October with likely payment in November. The exact month of payment is either the first or second month after the adjustment is approved depending upon whether approval is forthcoming before the EDB Finance Division processing deadline of the 10th of the month. In government schools, backdated payments are split into two, 1 Apr - 15 Aug and Aug 16 - 30 Nov, with the second payment sometimes made 1 month later.

Payments for backdated gratuity for contracts completed in August are also made. These are either paid at the same time as backdated salary payments or sometimes 2-4 weeks later. Schools are allowed to ignore past MPF contributions when calculating backdated gratuity, so your backdated gratuity may be less than expected (a full explanation is provided here).

As for the end of the financial year, schools should automatically update the IRD of the backdated taxable salary/gratuity payments resulting in an additional tax bill being issued for payment. This also applies to NETs who have left Hong Kong and have previously obtained IR56G tax clearance.

Analysis of the year-on-year data for Pay Trend Indicators shows that:
- Until 2015, the provisional Gross Pay Trend Indicators were always ratified without amendment. In 2015 an error was found in one company's submission to the Pay Trend Survey leading to a small adjustment in the ratified figures.
- Until 2015, the Net Pay Trend Indicators were always the final pay adjustment awarded regardless of any consultations/other considerations. In 2015 and 2017 the government awarded a pay rise 0.5% higher than the Net Indicators.
- May 15-19 is the important date as on that date it is possible to calculate the Net Pay Trend Indicators before they are officially released a week later.

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Civil Service Pay Adjustment Year-on-Year Data
2022 2023 2024
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Lower Salary Band (MPS 0-9) 3.20 2.04 5.66 4.50 6.63 5.47
Middle Salary Band (MPS 10-33) 5.58 4.55 5.68 4.65 5.35 4.32
Upper Salary Band (MPS 34-49+) 8.30 7.26 3.91 2.87 5.05 4.01
Lower Salary Band Increase 2.5% 4.65% 3.00%
Middle Salary Band Increase 2.5% 4.65% 3.00%
Upper Salary Band Increase 2.5% 2.87% 3.00%
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Lower Salary Band (MPS 0-9) 3.78 1.82 4.89 2.84 5.32 4.16 2.31 1.15 0.48 -0.68
Middle Salary Band (MPS 10-33) 3.51 2.44 5.63 4.51 6.29 5.26 3.01 1.98 0.49 -0.54
Upper Salary Band (MPS 34-49+) 2.53 1.38 5.25 4.06 5.79 4.75 2.72 1.68 -1.00 -2.04
Lower Salary Band Increase 2.94% 4.51% 5.26% 0% 0%
Middle Salary Band Increase 2.94% 4.51% 5.26% 0% 0%
Upper Salary Band Increase 1.88% 4.06% 4.75% 0% 0%
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Lower Salary Band (MPS 0-9) 5.71 4.56 5.3 3.92 5.32 3.8 4.73 3.02 4.90 3.08
Middle Salary Band (MPS 10-33) 6.64 5.8 4.79 3.92 5.61 4.71 5.06 4.12 5.69 4.68
Upper Salary Band (MPS 34-49+) 6.01 5.26 3.38 2.55 6.91 5.96 4.46 3.46 5.28 4.19
Lower Salary Band Increase 5.8% 3.92% 4.71% 4.62% 4.68%
Middle Salary Band Increase 5.8% 3.92% 4.71% 4.62% 4.68%
Upper Salary Band Increase 5.26% 2.55% 5.96% 3.96% 4.19%
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Lower Salary Band (MPS 0-9) 4.28 3.91 4.47 3.9 -0.17 -0.96 0.9 0.56 6.14 5.16
Middle Salary Band (MPS 10-33) 5.24 4.62 5.87 5.29 -1.34 -1.98 1.29 0.56 6.98 6.16
Upper Salary Band (MPS 34-49+) 5.59 4.96 6.9 6.3 -4.79 -5.38 2.2 1.6 7.9 7.24
Lower Salary Band Increase 4.62% 5.29% 0% 0.56% 6.16%
Middle Salary Band Increase 4.62% 5.29% 0% 0.56% 6.16%
Upper Salary Band Increase 4.96% 6.3% -5.38% 1.6% 7.24%

  Gross Indicators: Pay Trend Survey Committee Meeting Minutes
  Net Indicators: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  Pay Increase Awarded: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  Master Pay Scale (MPS), Annual Pay Adjustments

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