HKPNET Resources -
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HKPNET Resources -
Resources, links and ideas for PNETs in Hong Kong.

Application Forms:
 - Click Here For the Form, When and By Whom
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme

ATs (Advisory Teachers):
 - ASP
 - How to Raise Issues
 see EDB Information - ATT

Baggage Allowance:
 - Application Form see Application Forms
 - Can be Submitted Separate to Flight
 - Can be Boxes and Extra Flight Baggage
 - Can Include Pet Transport
 - Can't Claim if Rejoining NET Scheme
 - Can't Claim if staying in EDB Pool
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - HK Post Fees Can Be Claimed
 - Not Taxable: FAQ Q22
 - Rates for In/Outbound: FAQ Q17

Certificate/Statement of Service:
 - Employed via Agency:
     - Certificate of Service Must Be From School
 - Template Examples (EDB):
     - HK Schools (see samples section)
     - Other Schools
 - What it should include:
     - EDB Circular (EMBC05005E) (Para.10)
     - EDB Circular (EDBC21007E) (Para.xvi)
     - FAQ Q9iii
     - School Admin Guide (section 7.10 para2)
Civil Servant Status:
 - NETs are not Civil Servants
     - Detailed explanation
Code of Aid: see EDB Information
Code of Conduct:
  - CNC Code for the Education Profession (1990-2022) [Ended Apr 2022]
      -  see EDB Information
  - COTAP 'T-standard+' Professional Standards for Ts (2018+)
      -  see EDB Information
  - Guidelines on Teachers' Professional Conduct (EDB) 
      - Misconduct Handling Procedures: Appendix 4
      - New from 2022/23
Competitions Click Here
Contract Related:
- Administrative Information:
  - see Guide to the NET Scheme
  - Attrition Rates:
      - Explanation of Terms
      - Latest odd/even-contract rolling comparison
      - Year-on-year Data
  - Basic Law and National Security Law Test:
     - see National Security Education
  - Checklist For Departures
  - Contract Documents:
     - see Letter of Appointment
     - 2024 Contract Released (2 May)
     - Published Vsn Supercedes Signed Vsn
  - Contract Length Greater Than/Less Than 2 Years:
     - see Letter of Appointment Circular Attachment A
     - Summary
  - New NETs:
      - Basic Law and National Security Test Not Needed
      - First Contract Start Date
  - Number of NETs
  - Switching Between Aided/Government School
  - Switching Between Primary/Secondary
  - Switching Schools Mid-contract
  - Temporary NET for Vacant NET Post   SNET Version
  - Work Visas:  Click Here 
- Appointment, Renewal, Start of Contract:
  - see Guide to the NET Scheme
  - Appointment/Re-appointment Circular:
     - 2024 (EDBCM632024).pdf  SNET Version
        (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015,
                 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2006, 2004)
     - Application for EDB Support to Find New School
       if Not Renewed see Application Forms
     - Summary
  - August 16th:
      - Contract Start Date if a Sunday
      - Overlap When Previous NET Contract Ends on 17th
      - Report For Duty Not Mandatory:
          - see Guide to the NET Scheme
          - Discussion: 1, 2
      - Starting New Job Earlier than 16th: 1, 2, 3
  - Intent to Renew
     - Code of Aid Says May 15
     - Example Letter of Intent to Renew
     - Removed from 2011 Contract
  - Letter to Schools about Appointment (Jul 2024).pdf
    (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 SNET Version
    (2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009)
      - Notes for Applications for Payment
        of Gratuity, Fringe Benefits and RI.pdf
        (Inc. Dates Forms Should Be Submitted)
        (2023, 2022, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 SNET Version
  - Measures for Strengthening the Protection of Ss
  - Moving Between Aided and Government School
- Breaking Contract/Penalties Clawed Back:
  - see Guide to the NET Scheme - Resignation
  - Moving to New School
  - Backing Out of a Signed Contract: 1, 2, 3, 4 
- Chest X-Rays and Medical Certificate:
  - Certificate Must Say "Medically fit to teach": 1, 2
  - X-Ray:
     - Application Form EDB40 see Application Forms
     - Clinics
  - New NETs only:
     - FAQ Q14
     - see Letter of Appointment; MOCS para 2.3
  - Not Needed for Transfer Between Aided Schools:
     - see Code of Aid Para. 51b
- Conviction Checks:
  - Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)
     - Conviction May Not Stop Employment
         - Ts Can Be Suspended on Prosecution
     - Declaration in HK:
        - Application and Fee 
          (Online From Jan 2023)
            - Form, What to Write, Offices
              (Old application method)
     - For Use In Another Country
         - UK Must be Done via British Council
         - Overseas Application
     - From Other Countries
     - see Appointment/Re-appointment Memo para 4
  - Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC):
     - see Contract: Letter to Schools about Appointment
     - Application and Fee 
       (Online From Jan 2023)
         - Valid for for 1 Year
     - Info For Schools
     - Not Needed if Staying at Same School:
       - see Appointment/Re-appointment Memo para 5
       - see EDB FAQ Q3
  - Summary of Checks for non-NETs/Other Staff
- Extensions:
  - see Guide to the NET Scheme
  - Beyond Retirement Age of 60:
    (Aided/Special Schools Only; Government Schools: Not Allowed)
    - November:
        - Example Application Form 2024/25.pdf
        - Letter to Schools About Extension in 2024/25.pdf
          (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015,
                         2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009)

    - January:
        - Online eForm [Available early Jan]
          (Must be done first with paper copy and supporting
           documents delivered to EDB by deadline)
    - May/Jun:
        - Contract Document: 2024  SNET Version
              (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)
    - Process Summary
  - Other 1 Year Extensions:
     - Application Process and Details:
        - see Guide to the NET Scheme
     - Case Studies: 1, 2
     - Discussions: 1, 2, 3
Curriculum see EDB Information - Curriculum Development
Dates for the Diary: see Guide to the NET Scheme
Death Benefits: Click here
Deployment & Duties:
 - 50 Hours of PD Each Year: see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Alone in the Classroom:
    - Not Affected by Teacher Registration or Insurance
        - see also EDB Information - School Admin: Insurance
 - Can a NET be an EPC?
 - Contract Definition see Letter of Appointment
 - Co-planning Meetings Weekly, Any Length
 - Deployment Guidelines:
    - 2018.pdf (2012-2017, 2009-11, 2005-09)  SNET Version
    - 2018 Update:
      - Consultation Discussion
      - Letter to Schools
 - Example Duty Statement
 - NET Deployment Plan (EDB): 2020
        (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2009-11)
 - Non-project School
 - Roles & Responsibilities  SNET Example
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - NET as EPC: 1, 2
 - NET Scheme see EDB Information - NET Schemes Evaluation
 - NET Section (inc. School Survey):
    - see EDB Information - NET Section Evaluation
 - Self-Evaluation Report Example.doc
Flights: see Passage Allowance (Flights)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - see EDB FAQs (Jan 2022) [no revised date so check online document properties]
   (Old versions: 2021, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2012-14; 2009-13)
 - see HKPNETs Forum Guest Area
Fringe Benefits:
 - Application Forms see Application Forms
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - Eligibilty: FAQ Q17 and Payment of Fringe Benefits Circular
    - Permanent Residence Does Not Affect Eligibility
 - Payment of Fringe Benefits Circular.pdf
     (Latest Circular is 2009, But Attached Forms Revised in 6/2020)
     (2015-19, 2009-14 [Old Forms]; 2004-8 [Old Circular])   SNET Version
 - Re-joining After 1 Year or More Off
 - Summary of Benefits: FAQ Q17 
 - Who to Inform for Marriage/Birth
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Discussions:
    - Cash Instead of a NET
    - Recurring Rumour of Cancellation
       - Budget Estimate for NET Numbers in 2024/25
    - Schools Suspended from NET Scheme Myth
    - Senior Directorate Influence
 - NETs Are Part of Staff Establishment
 - Summary of Structure and Funding
    - Breakdown of Costs
    - Latest Update
Grants (PEEGS, PRG, QEF, IT, EOEBG, TRG etc.):
 - see EDB Information - Finance, Funding, Grants
 - For English Teaching: see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Application Form see Application Forms
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - Gratuity Withheld Discussions: 1, 2, 3
 - Payment of Contract Gratuity (EDBC12004E).pdf   SNET Version
      - May Be 1 Lump Sum in 2022 (Special Holiday)
          - Template Document
 - Employee Compensation Insurance
    - see EDB Information - School Admin: Insurance
 - Medical Allowance: See Medical Allowance
 - Travel Insurance
 - Application Form (Submitted by School to EDB)
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - Guidelines see EDB Information - School Administration
 - Lieu Leave:
   (Working on Mandatory Holiday/Rest Day/Sunday) 
    - Discussions: 1, 2, 3
     - see Living in HK - Legal - Ordinance - Employment
 - Maternity Leave:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - Extended to 14 Weeks From 1 Jan 2019
        - ATs Do Get 14 Weeks
    - Rules
 - No-Pay Leave:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Paternity Leave:
    - Abutting holidays: 1, 2
    - Discussions: 1, 2, 3
    - Eligibility + Adminstration (EDBC15016E).pdf (2012)
      - Must be Taken within 14 Weeks of Birth 
    - FAQ
    - Labour Dept Concise Guide
 - Sick Leave:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - Abutting Holidays or Weekends
    - Certificate for Less Than 2 Days
    - Recommended Doctors: see Living in HK - Health
 - Special Leave:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - Abutting Holiday Periods
    - Retrospectively Classified as No-pay (Gov't School)
 - Summer Holiday 4+ Weeks:
    - Deployment Guidelines P10, FAQ Q27 (Deleted Jan 2022)   SNET Version
    - Holiday is For Ss; Ts' Holiday Is Up to School (Para. 21)
    - Update as of Feb 2022
 - Terminal Leave:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - Can Be Postponed For 2022 (Special Vacation Arrangement) 
Liaison with the EDB/LegCo:
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - History of Liaison: 1, 2, 3
 - HKPNETs Forum Meetings with EDB/LegCo
    - Letter to Principal Education Officer (PDT)
    - Letter to Secretary for Education
 - LegCo NET Schemes Discussion
    - HKPNETs Forum Submission to Education Panel
LPAT Exemption: see EDB Information - LPR
Maternity Leave See Leave - Maternity Leave
Medical Allowance:
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Application Form D see Application Forms
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - History of Review
 - Insurance Plans: 
     - ACE NET Life, Accident, Hospital and Critical Illness
     - AIA: Agent Recommendation
     - Blue Cross
     - ALC/Village NET International Insurance (2015)
       (Policy withdrawn in 2017 due to lack of uptake)
     - Discussion: 1, 2
     - Manulife
     - Prudential: Agent Recommendation
 - Medical Allowance is Taxable: see Tax
Meetings in Cantonese:
 - Deployment Guidelines
 - FAQ Q28
MPF:   Click Here
National Security Education (NSE):
 - see EDB Information
 - Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
    (From 2023/24)
      see EDB Information - Teacher Related
    - Does Not Apply to NETs:
        - Original Exemption Statement (2022)
        - Updates:
            - Oct 2022 (Para.6)
            - May 2023 (Footnote 2)
            - Sep 2024, Sep 2023 (FAQ A2, ii)
      - Replaced Basic Law Test (2022-23):
          - That also did not Apply to NETs
 - Curriculum and Teaching Resources:
    - How NSE Affects PNETs: 1, 2
    - School Inspection: Format, What they Look For
    - Teaching Resources:
        - An Inspring Journey Through Chinese Fables and Tales
        - EDB's Learning and Teaching Resources
             (Mostly Chinese only)
        - English Language Resource Kit (Apr 2024)
        - National Security: Cornerstone of Stability and Prosperity.pdf
        - Twenty Major Fields Poster
 - Oath for NETs:
    - Consulate Advice: 1, 2
    - Discussion: 1, 2, 3, 4
    - NETs In Government Schools Must Sign: 1, 2, 3
        - Text of Oath: 1, 2
 - Professional Development:
     - Constitution, Basic Law and NSE Annual PD Course:
         - May 2025 (2024: 1, 2; 2023, 2022, 2021)
         - Presentation Slides (2024): Part 1, Part 2
     - Mainland Study Tour:
        - New NETs From 2021/22 will have to attend "in due course"
            - Applies to Those Joining After 1 Sep 2020: 1, 2
               - Am I a 'Newly-Joined' Teacher?
                  - Is Shown in eServices Profile 
                  - May be Wrong if
                       School enters 1 Sep Instead of 16 Aug
                       and can be corrected by EDB
                         via  this form submitted by the School
            - First Course Arranged for Nov 2023
              (NETs must arrange and pay for visa)
            - F-Visa Needed Tourist L-Visa Valid (From Apr 2023)
        - Schools Must Monitor PD and Follow-Up.
             but Ts Must Not Refuse or Evade Training
NET Section: see EDB Information
 - Newsletter: 1, 2
 - School Survey (Jan): see EDB Information
Ordinances: see Living in HK - Legal
Passage Allowance (Flights):
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Application: Form C see Application Forms
 - Application Considerations:
     - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - Special Circumstances For Reasonable Flexible Use:
      - Different Departure Dates for Family Members
      - Postponement and Re-Postponement of Flight
     - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Suggestions Based on Experience:
     - Boarding Passes: Not Needed (1, 2), Needed
     - Covid Tests For Travelling: 1, 2
     - Historic Quotes: 1, 2
     - Recommended Agents: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Paternity Leave See Leave - Paternity Leave
Performance Appraisal:
 - Appraisal of Duties (EDB08091432).doc
 - Lesson Observation.doc
 - Request Personal Data Held:
      (Appointment Memo Form A)
       see Living in HK - Legal - Ordinances
 - Teacher Performance Management
       see EDB Information - School Admin; Personnel Matters
 - Templates

Professional Development:
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - EDB:
   - 30 Hours' Mandatory PD Over 3 Years
   - 50/100 Hours' Soft Target Over 3 Years
   - Constitution, Basic Law, NSE PD: see NSE PD
   - Eservices Portal (Update Every September)
   - Mainland Study Tours: see NSE PD
   - Newly-Joined Ts:
       - Mandatory PD From 2020/21
           (For NETs Joining After 1 Sep 2020)
           - 2023 Update
           - Follow Up Letter if Not Completed 
               - Discussion
   - NET Section Central PD:
      - PDNETwork
        - How to Download Certificate
        - Many Courses Are For Specific Products Only 
        - Select AT as Mentor
        - Update School if Change Schools
      - Programme  SNET Version
      - Upcoming Events
   - Professional Ladder for Ts (From 2020)
       - FAQ
   - Training Calendar (EDB)
   - Distance Learning
   - HK Tertiary Courses
   - NET Related Research
    - Overseas Courses
    - Personal Development
       - Critical Thinking
       - Useful Texts
    - Special Needs Courses

Qualifications Assessment:
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Non-Local Qualifications:
     - Assessment Circular (EMBC05001e).pdf
     - Clarifications: FAQ Q10, Item 5, Items 27-31
     - Discussion
     - HKCAAVQ Certificate
         - How to Get an Quicker Copy: 1, 2
         - Renewal / Who Keeps the Cert?
     - List of Registered Courses
 - Salary Re-assessment after PGDE:
     - Letter Template: 1, 2
     - Procedure: 1, 2, 3
     - Regional Office to which it should be sent
     - Secondary PGDE Not Eligible:
         - Summary
         - FAQ Q11
     - Start Date of Salary Increase
 - 1. Entry into EDB Candidate Pool:
     - Application To Join NET Scheme   SNET Version  AT
         (Initial Deadline is Extended Every Year)
         - Process: FAQ Q1, Q2
     - Degree Mandatory from 2019: FAQ Q4
     - How Long Can You Stay in the Pool?
     - Interview Procedure
          - Should Hear Back By Email After 4 weeks
          - Then Takes 4 Weeks for HKCAAVQ Accreditation (1, 2)
     - PNET Pool Separate From SNET Pool
          - PNET -> SNET:
              - Qualifications, Categories
                  - 1 Year Secondary Experience Mandatory
              - RI Retained
              - Salary Assessment: 1, 2
                  - PNET Experience Counts
     - Re-joining after 1 Year or More Break
     - Statement of Service inc. Agency Work:
         see Certificate/Statement of Service
     - TEFL Requirement see TEFL/TESL Qualification
     - Terms and Requirements (EDB)  SNET Version  AT
 - 2. Finding a School:
     - 3 Recruitment Methods
     - Asking for EDB Support to Find School:
         - see Appointment/Re-appointment Information Sheet
     - Bad Reference Discussion: 1, 2, 3
     - Direct Hire Discussion
         - Recruitment Subsidy (Explanation)
     - Discrimination Rules Summary
     - Government Schools:
       - Compared to Aided Schools
       - Only Recruit From Candidate Pool: 1, 2
           From 2022:
           - 1. NETs invited to apply by email in mid-July
                 - Mid-June 2023 and 2024
                 - Can be done by Zoom From Overseas (2024)
           - 2. Interviews Done by Central Panel
                 - Panel is 3/4 EDB officials not from school
                 - Summary of Panel Qs
           - 3. NETs Then Allocated to Schools in Mid-July
                 (May not be preferred choice of school)
                 - Or placed on waiting list for next available school 
                   which may be as late as August. 
     - Number of Places Available for New NETs
     - Special Schools:
         - see Special Needs; NET Scheme in Special Schools
     - Subsidy for schools.pdf
     - Vacancy List:
         - 2024 (Available by Email from EDB to eligible PNETs in mid June)
                    (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012,
                     2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007)
            - Government Schools: 2024, 2023, 2022
                   - Unsuccessful Interviewees Waiting List
               Note: The EDB severely restricted its distribution policy in
2013 so the list was not generally available in that year.
     - Year-on-Year Vacancy Tracking
 - 3. Starting at a School:
     - See FAQs and Guide to the NET Scheme
     - Contracts, Basic Law Test, Conviction Checks,
        Chest X-Rays, Medical Examination:
         - see Contract Related
         - see Guide to the NET Scheme
     - FAQs (PNET and SNET Current Version)
     - Getting a Visa:
         - see Work Visa
         - Don't Start at School Without Visa
     - Induction Programme for New NETs (EDB): (2020, 2011, 2008)
     - Information for New NETs (EDB).pdf (2008) 
     - Role of a NET: see Guide to the NET Scheme
     - Salary Advance: see Salary: Advance
     - Schools for Non-local Children:
         - see Special Needs; Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
     - Suggestions and Advice:
         - Best Way to Get Renewed
         - Survival Tips
         - Upsides and the Downsides
 - see Contract: Letter to School about Appointment
 - see EDB Information - Teacher Registration
 - Re-joining After 1 Year or More Off
 - Difference Between Permitted/Registered: 1, 2
 - Schools Should Remind NETs (Para. 8f)
Renewal: see Contract - Re-appointment
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Contract Terms For Non-Return After Special Vacation 2022
Retention Incentive (RI):
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Application Form see Application Forms
 - Entitlement (EDBC13002E).pdf (2006-12)  SNET Version
    - see also Letter of Appointment
 - Original Proposal For RI.pdf
 - PNETs May Soon Be Able To Retire at 65
     - Discussions: 1, 2
 - Retirement Age is:
      - see Guide to the NET Scheme
      - 60 for Existing NETs (Started Before Aug 2022)
      - 65 for New NETs (First Contract 2022/24*)
        (* Oct 2021 Update: EDB to place legislation before
          LegCo "in 2022" and will need to be passed
            before 15 Aug 2022 to apply to new NETs for the
            2022/23 school year)

 - see EDB Information - Retirement
 - Advance:
    - Application Form see Application Forms
    - New NETs only see Letter of Appointment, MOCS para 5.11
      - 1 Time Only
    - Payment After 2 weeks
 - Annual Pay Adjustment: see EDB Information - Salary
 - Assessment:
    1. Is done by school, as the employer, who assess
        qualifications and experience and decide what
        MPS salary pay point NET should be on.
    2. But the EDB Central Salary Verification Team
        will then check the school's assessment and
        will clawback overpaid salary if the school
        puts NET on wrong salary level
        - Incorrect Pay Scale Clawed Back: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    3 Assessment Criteria:
        - EDB Guide To Assessment
        - Certificate of Service Requirements:
             see Certificate/Statement of Service
        - Employment Was Not Full Year
        - International School Experience
        - Teaching Experience Requirements
          - Must Be Permitted T
        - Work in School via Agent Can Count:
             see Certificate/Statement of Service
    4 Re-assessment:
       (If there is a change in qualifications or
         if NET believes school has not assessed correctly)
       - Backpay Limited to 5 Years
       - Letter Template
       - PGDE : see Qualifications Assessment
       - Qualifications Needed for Salary Increase
       - Submit Documents to School: FAQ Q9
 - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
 - Expected Monthly Salary Table
 - Increment:
    - Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
    - Incremental Date
       - 2007 Conversion After Revised MPS
       - For part of year working experience
       - No-Pay Leave Adjustment
 - LET/NET Terms of Employment Comparison:
    - Terms & Conditions
    - Total Salary Package
 - Pay Scales:
    - Master Pay Scale (MPS):
      - Adjusted (2023, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2007)
            - Provisional MPS From July 2024
        - Delinked (Pre 1/10/2007 only)
    - Ranges for Different Grade/Ranks
 - Pay Slips:
    - Ask School if Needed: FAQ Q6, Salaries Grant Document
    - Required for MPF Payments: 1, 2
 - Payment of Wages
    - see Living in HK - Legal - Ordinances
    - 31st August if Leaving HK
    - School May Hold it Until 1st of Month
 - Summaries:
    - Form Processing
    - Funding via Salaries Grant
School Administration see EDB Information
School Closure:
 - COVID-19 Coronavirus
    - Centre for Health Protection
    - COVID in the Classroom Research
    - EDB Announcements
    - EDB Prevention of Communicable Disease
    - Health Measures For Schools (Apr 2022)
    - Quarantine:
       - Compulsory:
          - Cases in Same Building
          - Close Contact Penny Bay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
          - Leaving Family Quarantine Early If Vaccinated
          - Paid Sick Leave: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
          - Sick Leave Certificate
          - Sick Leave Now Also Covers (Jun 2022):
              - Compulsory Testing
              - Overnight Lockdown
              - Quarantine Order
      - Inbound:
          - 0+3 From 26 Sep 
              - RAT Test at Airport Very Quick
          - 7-21 Days
              - 3+4 From 12 Aug
                  - Restricted Access during +4 days
                  - Ts Can Go To School During 4+ Days: 1, 2
          - Antibody Test Labatories 
          - Self-monitoring is Paid and Can Go To Work
          - Unpaid if Not in Holidays
              - Detailed Explanation
              - LegCo Confirms Not Sick Leave (Jun 2022)
    - School Arrangements 2022/23:
      - Full Day Classes from 15 Feb 2023
          - RATs Until at Least 31 Jan
      - Half Day Classes to Restart (19 Apr-5 May 2022): 1, 2
      - Half Day Classes and RAT Tests to Continue
          - Health Protection Measures (Full Rules)
              - Summary:
                  - Confirmed +ve Case = Sick Leave
                  - Close Contact = Paid Special Leave
                  - Can Resume Work on Day 6
      - Half Day Classes Until 70% Vaccinated (3 Aug 2021)
          - 90% Vaccinated (19 Apr 2022)
          - 70% Vaccinated (1 Dec 2022)
          - 15 Feb 2023
          - Primary Ss Can Get Vaccine (21 Jan 2022)
      - Vaccine Pass Suspended Xmas 2023
      - Ts Must Vaccinate or Pay For Tests Weekly
          - Every 3 Days (Jan 2022)
          - Unvaccinated Barred From Schools (24 Feb 2022)
              - 8 Weeks' Notice Before Termination
              - Booster Mandatory by 30 June 31 May 2022
              - Exemptions:
                  - 6-Months After Covid Diagnosis
                  - Pregnant
                  - Medical Exemption Arrangements
                  - Summary
    - Vaccine Programme
      - 2 Days' Leave When Vaccinated: 1, 2
          - Only if Already Working at School
      - 1 Day Leave for Booster
          - Ts Can Get Booster (17 Nov)
      - 1.5 Days' Leave for Childcare
      - Post Office Booking for Non-HK Documents
      - Vaccination Covers Compulsory Testing
       ARCHIVE of School Arrangements
       - Classes to Continue (5 Jan 2022)
       - Classes Suspended (14 Jan 2022)
         - Extended to 21 Feb 2022
         - Extended to 6 Mar 2022
         - Special Holiday Mar/Apr
            - Government NETs Must Still Work
       - School Resumption CNY 2021
         - Class Arrangements
       - School Suspension Sept 2020
         - Schools to Restart 23 Sep
       - School Resumption June 2020
         - LegCo Paper, 8 May 2020
         - Guidelines (EDB)
       - Voluntary Teacher Testing (Nov 2020+):
         - Discussion: 1, 2
         - Testing Arrangements
           - Community Testing Centres
       - School Suspension Jan-May 2020
         - Indefinite; 3 Weeks' Notice of Re-Opening
 - Seasonal Flu:
    - Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases
    - Latest Information:
       - Centre for Health Protection
       - EDB
       - EDB Announcements
    - Summary
 - Seasonal URTI: 1, 2
    - Vaccination Covers Compulsory Testing 
 - Typhoons:
    - Indicators For T8 Being Raised
    - Rules and Procedures (EDBC22005E).pdf (2019, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2007)
       - Definition of Classes Suspended
       - Localised Heavy Rain Warning
       - For Parents
    - School Closure Announcements:
       - EDB Alert (When announcement made)
       - EDB Website (Check red ticker at top)
       - Government Press Releases
    - School Closures are for Ss not Necessarily  Ts
        - Ts are Insured if Have to Work
    - Storm Tracking:  see Living in HK - Weather
    - Weather Info For Schools
Sick Leave See Leave - Sick Leave
Special Allowance (SA):
 - see Guide to the NET Scheme
 - Adjustment Mechanism:
    - see Guide to the NET Scheme
    - Explanation
    - History of Reviews:
       - 2024 (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019,
                     2018, 2017, 2016: 1, 2, 3, 4; 2015; 2014: 1, 2) 
       - Memorandum on adjustment to SA Rate:
          - 2016.pdf (2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2004, 1997)
          - Implementation
       - Summary of Petitioning
       - Year-on-year Data
    - Latest Data
 - Application:
    - Documents Needed:
      - General Discussion
      - If Schooled in HK (May Not Get It)
      - If Worked in HK
    - Form B (Each New Contract) see Application Forms
        - From 2022, Proof of Address Needed
    - If State Residence Status in HK, Won't Get It
    - New NETs Or Rejoining After >12 Mths
       or Moving Between Aided/Govt School:
        - Normal Place of Residence Form A
          see Application Forms
        - Statement that Form A is New NETs Only:
          see Contract: Notes For Applications for Payment
           - Discussion
    - Summary of Process
 - Compared to a non-taxable Housing Allowance
 - Entitlement: see Letter of Appointment
    - 60 Day Max For Sick Leave  see Letter of App't Annex B
 - SA Refused Discussions: 1, 2, 3
Special Needs ID Schools: see Special Needs; EDB Programs
Tax: Click Here
Teacher Registration See Registration
TEFL/TESOL Qualification:
 - Apply to the NET Scheme Without it
 - Documents Needed to Prove Equivalence
 - EDB Authorised Courses:
    - Certificate Level
    - Diploma Level
    - Discussions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
    - HKU PGDE Is Recognised
    - Requirements for Recognised Course:
        - Certificate Level
        - Diploma Level
        - Original Circular (EMBC03012E).pdf (2003)
        - Summary
 - Requirement see Letter of Appointment
    - Mandatory From 2009/10
Terminal Leave see Guide to the NET Scheme
  - May Be Postponed in 2022 (Special Holiday) 
Termination Procedure: see Letter of Appointment
Unpaid Leave See Leave - No-Pay Leave
Vacancy List: see Recruitment
Visas Click Here 
Work Outside School:
 - Info for NETs (Section 8).pdf
 - Restriction see Letter of Appointment
back to EDB Information
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Application Forms: Which Forms, When and By Whom

the Form
Who the
It To
New NETs /
After More
Than 12 Mths
Mid Contract
/ Annually
New Contract
(Renewed /
Change of
New Contract
(Changed From
Aided to Govt
or Vice Versa)
End of
Any Time of Year - Annually
Medical Insurance Reimbursement
 - Fringe Benefits FORM D [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
Appt Memo Reply Proforma Form A.pdf ** Annually ** SNET Version
(Informs EDB annually of intention to renew NET or not. Deadline in May.)
  [Latest version: current year in headline]
School NET
- Yes
[In May]
[In May]
[In May]
- -
EDB Support to Find New School if Not Renewed ** Contract Years **
 - Appointment/Re-appointment Memo Form B (Aided, Special Schools)  SNET Version
 - Government Schools: Appendix B of Memo of Offer of Further Employment to
    NETs under the NET Scheme Sent to School
- - - - Yes
[In May]
May/June - Contract Years
Gratuity.pdf (One page only: page 3)   SNET Version
(At Least 4 Weeks Before Last Week of School Year)
  (2011, 2010, 2009, 2006-8)
School Funds
- - - - Yes Yes
** If NEW school, and CV sent to school by NET and not by EDB **
Appt Memo Form C NETs Recruited Directly.pdf  SNET Version
(Asks EDB for permission to offer a contract to the NET BEFORE a contract is signed)
  [Latest version: current year in note at top]
Yes - Yes
of School)
- -
Mid June (1 Month Before Travel) - If Leaving NET Scheme
Passage (Flight) Reimbursement
 - Fringe Benefits FORM C [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
- - - - - Yes
Late June/Early July - Annually
Retention Incentive.pdf
  [Latest version contains no version reference2; the online document properties state "Modification Date: 8/31/2022"]
No Yes Yes Yes - -
Special Allowance Declaration on Normal
Place of Residence
(Only fill out part 1 if personal particulars have not changed.)
 - Fringe Benefits FORM A [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes No
(From 2022)
(From 2022)
Yes - -
Late June/Early July - Contract Years
Appointment of Teaching Staff in Aided Schools
(Informs EDB Funds Section so that Salary is Paid)
-> From 2024, this must be submitted online.
  1. The school creates the form via the EASAS system
      that auto downloads info from NET's eServices account.
  2. School sends an email to the NET with link to complete form.
  3. The NET uses the emailed link to check and confirm form.
      - Update the info to match last year's paper form.
  4. The NET then uses the 'iAMSmart+' Mobile App to
      scan the resulting QR code and sign the form.
  5. A confirmation email is sent after signing
 -> FAQ
 -> To install the 'iAMSmart+' App:
       1. Install the 'iAMSmart' app
       2. Then upgrade it to 'iAMSmart+' at a kiosk or counter
           or post office.
 -> Basic Law Test is not needed,
 -> Teacher registration consent form is not needed.

 *** The paper form remains available on the EDB website:
          Paper Copy of Appt of Teaching Staff.pdf   SNET Version, Special Schools Version
          [Latest version: "(revised in September 2023)" on page 33]
Yes No Yes Yes - -
Attachment C - Reply Proforma.pdf Online Submission   SNET Version
(Informs EDB of new Contract. If not done, SA and RI will not be paid.)
  [Latest version has no version reference; the online version's document properties state "Creation Date: 16/09/2021"]
Yes No Yes Yes - -
Special Allowance
 - Fringe Benefits FORM B [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes No Yes Yes - -
Late August/Early September - Contract Years
Passage (Flight) Reimbursement
 - Fringe Benefits FORM C [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes - Yes Yes Yes -
Postponed Passage (Flight) - Allow Current School to
  Claim Postponed Flights from Previous School (see here for details)
 - Consent Form for Claiming Passage for NETs Having Changed Schools
     [No version reference included; the online document properties state "Modification Date: 9/5/2022"]
- - Yes
of School)
- - -
Advance of Salary
 - Fringe Benefits FORM E [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes - - - - -
Baggage Reimbursement
 - Fringe Benefits FORM C [Latest version 8/2022]1   SNET Version
Yes / No - - - No Yes
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction NET - Yes No No No - -
Sexual Conviction Record Check
(Not Mandatory)
(School Decision Whether it is Needed)
NET - Yes No Yes Yes - -
Teacher Chest X-Ray
 - EDB Form EDB40
NET - Yes No No Yes - -
Teacher Registration - Permitted Teacher4:
 - First School, Change of School
  [Latest version (06/2016)]
T Regn
Yes No Yes
(Change of
Yes - -
Work Visa NET - Yes - Yes Yes - -

- The dates listed are suggested dates to fill out the forms and give to your school.
- The EDB's suggestions for when forms should be submitted by the school to the EDB a little later than ours, but given the time taken for schools to process the forms, it's worth getting a head start in in most cases. The schedule typically gets sent to schools by the EDB in late July (RI should be submitted by the school to the EDB Jun-Sep, and SA Aug-Sep).

    1. The latest fringe benefit forms have a version reference of "(revised 8/2022)".
        Previous version reference was "(revised 6/2020)".
    2. RI form was updated in Aug 2022, but only a minor 'personal data' update to the previous version from Apr 2013.
    3. Appointment of Teaching Staff forms only have a reference on the bottom of the final (third) page.
    4. For those without a teaching qualification. Use Teacher Registration - Registered Teacher (one-time only) if have teaching qualification e.g. PGDE.
    5. See the
NET Scheme Application Forms Information Sheet for details of payment timescales, application procedures and possible delays.
    6. Who to Contact: For special allowance, passage, baggage and medical allowances NETs should contact the NET Admin Team.
                               For gratuity and salary, the REO should be contacted.
                               Where gratuity payment procedures are not being followed, the NET Admin Team can be contacted for support.

back to top

  - HKSS Debating (Nov-Jul)
  - National English Speaking Competition (Jan-May)
  - Sing Tao Debating (Sep-May)
  - UNESCO SDGs Debating (Oct-Aug)
  - Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition (Sep-May)  (EDB)
Filmit: A Student Film Competition (Nov-May) (EDB)
  - Thoughts and Opinions
  - Winners Published 2nd Week July
HK Basic Law Inter-School Competition (Jan-Jun) (EDB)
HK Battle of the Books (Nov-May)
HK School Drama Festival (HKSDF): 1, 2 (Oct-Mar) (EDB)
Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security (EDB):
  - National Security Short Speech Competition (Nov-Dec)
Lumivoce Voices for the Planet Challenge (Feb-May)
My Australian Christmas Card Competition (Oct-Dec)
National Security Knowledge Challenge (Secondary, Nov-Apr) (EDB)
Once Upon a Book Storytelling Competition (Sep-Feb)  (EDB)
Smart Education Competitions:
  - English Radio Drama (Sep-May)
  - Read Out  Loud (Jun)
Story to Stage Puppetry (Oct-Apr)  (EDB)
  - Discussion
  - How to Make Puppets
  - How to Buy a Tent Online With School Credit Card 1, 2
  - Learn the 5 Basic Skills
  - Stage Dimensions
Teacup Tell-a-Tale Storytelling (Sep-Jul)
  - Creative Writing for Upper Primary (Feb-Mar) (EDB)
  - GPEX English Writing Competition (Sep-Mar)
  - HK Budding Poets: see Special Needs; Gifted Education - HKAGE
  - HK Young Writers Awards (Oct-Mar)
  - Kids4Kids My Story Creation (Jan-May)
  - The Standard Story Writing Competition (Oct-Jun)
  - TWGH Writing Competition (P4-P6) (Apr-Jul)

No Longer Running:
- ACEA HK Primary English Writing Competition
(Not Held Since Mar 2020)
- Climate Change Cross-curricular Project (EDB) (2016-17 Only)
- Clipit: A Student Film Competition (EDB) (2009-17; Replaced by Filmit)
- Headstart Super Speller Spelling Competition (Not Held Since 2019)
- HK Inter-school Crossword Competition (Defunct)
- HK Inter-school Scrabble Competition (Defunct)
- HK Schools English Band Showcase (Not Held Since 2019)
- HKTDA Story-telling Gala (Feb-Apr)
- HKFJ Love Is All Around Essay Writing Competition
(Not Held Since 2019/20)
HKMA Build a Secure Cyberspace Folder Design Contest (2022 Only)
National Security Bulletin Board Design (Dec-Jan, 2024) (EDB)
- National Security Writing Competition (Nov-Dec, 2024) (EDB)
RTHK Sunday Smile + Discussion (Cancelled Sep 2020)
- Smart Education Competitions:
  - Create My Smart Story Book (Not Held Since 2019)
HK Schools Speech Festival
  - 2024/25 76th Edition:
  - Book List
      - FAQ
      - Important Dates
      - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3
      - Poem Texts: 1, 2
          - Choral: 1
      - Rules & Regulations
      - Syllabus
  - Tips
  - Tips on Choral Speaking
  - What is it?
  - Workshop on Solo Verse and Prose

    - 2023/24 75th Edition:
   - Book List   SNET Version
        - FAQ
        - Important Dates
        - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4
        - Poem Texts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
           - Choral: 1
        - Syllabus
          - Live Performances Resume
    - 2022/23 74th Edition:
    - Book List   SNET Version
        - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        - Poem Texts
        - Syllabus
           - No Choral This Year
           - Video Submission
    - 2021/22 73rd Edition:
    - Book List   SNET Version
        - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
        - Poem Texts   SNET Version
           - No Choral This Year
    - 2020/21 72nd Edition (16 Nov-30 Nov)
  - Book List   SNET Version
        - Important Dates
        - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        - Poem Texts (Solo): 1, 2, 3, 4   SNET Version: 1, 2
          - Choral Cancelled
          - Video Submission Only
        - Rules and Regulations
        - Syllabus: 1 (online) 2 (pdf)  
SNET Version
    - 2019/20 71st Edition:
Book List   SNET Version
          - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3
Poem Texts (Solo, Choral)   SNET Version
          - Rules and Regulations
          - Syllabus: pdf
    - 2018/19 70th Edition:
Book List   SNET Version
          - Judges
          - Poem Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
          - Poem Texts (Solo, Choral): 1, 2, 3,
4   SNET Version
          - Rules and Regulations
          - Syllabus: pdf

     - 2017/18 69th Edition:
         - Poem Audio:
             - Choral: 1, 2, 3
             - Solo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
         - Poem Texts (Solo, Choral): 1, 2, 3, 4
    - 2016/17 68th Edition:
         - Poem Audio:
            - Choral: 1, 2
            - Solo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
         - Poem Texts (Solo, Choral)
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Consolidation of Multiple Accounts
Contributions Can Be Above Tax Limit
Entitlement see Letter of Appointment
Exemption  see Living in HK - Immigration
General Information inc. Fund Details see Living in HK - MPF
Offset Against MPF:
  - see Letter of Appointment, page 2
  - Abolition of SP/LSP Offset:
      - see Living in HK - MPF
      - Does not affect NET Gratuity Offset
      - Background Docs: LCQ10 (2015), Consultation Annex 3
  - Gratuity Offset:
      - Long-service Payment Offset Against Gratuity
      - University Contracts With Same: CityU, PolyU, LinganU
  - Guide to Early Withdrawal
  - If Leaving HK
      - False Claims Can Be Jailed
  - From Overseas If Reach Retirement Age
TVC (Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions):
  - (Max $10k Rebate)
  - FAQ
  - Guide To
  - HSBC Accounts
Who Fund Payments?

back to top

Calculate and Submit see Living in HK - Tax
Codes for Fringe Benefit Payments
Flights Are Not Taxed (pre 2016):
  - Discussions: 1, 2, 3
  - EDB Confirmation of Non-Taxable Status: 1, 2
  - Flights Are Not Taxed (Example 11).pdf
  - How to Raise an Objection see Living in HK - Tax
Flights Are Taxed (2016 onwards):
  - Discussion
  - Govt Schools Include it on Tax Return
  - IRD Guidance 1, 2
  - Summary: 1, 2
Gratuity 'Related Back' May Save Tax: 1, 2
Medical Allowance is Taxed
Payment Before Leaving HK:
  see Application Forms - Gratuity
  - How To Do It:
      - Summaries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
      - Things to be done By Employer/Employee
          - IR56 Forms
          - IR56F Notes (Form If Leaving <= 1 Month)
          - IR56G Notes (Form If Leaving > 1 Month)
  - Non-Payers Can Be Jailed On Return to HK
  - School May Withhold Moneys
Rent Deductible From Tax from 2022 ($100k/year)
back to top
China Visas:
  see Living in HK - Visas
  - Discussion
  - F Visa Needed for School Trips
      - Visa Definitions: 1, 2, 3
  - NET Section Advice: 1, 2
Dependency Visa: see Living in HK - Immigration
Immigration Info: see Living in HK - Immigration
Permanent Residency: see Living in HK - Visas
Work Visa:
  - 2nd Job Permission
  - Change of Address (ROP18A)
  - Expiring Passport
  - New School:
      - Advice from EDB
      - Application Form ID990A
      - Application Procedures for NETs (EDB)
      - Documents When Changing Schools
      - Procedure for Extension at Same Time: 1, 2
      - Summary: 1, 2
  - Renewal at Same School:
      - Application Form ID91 (extension)
      - Advice from EDB
      - Book Appointment Online
      - Example Letters From Principal:
          - Contract Renewal.doc
              - Must Say "To Immigration" (Jun 2019)
          - Mid Contract.doc
      - Summary
  - Requirement: see Letter of Appointment
  - Queue  at Office
  - Visa Can Be Downloaded (2023)
      - 10 Days After Extension Application
      - From Anywhere in World

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